Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Man Boobs 20 Year Old

A 20 Verona Health Authority is interested separation. In the Sign of the Father

separated parents, 20 help ULSS
of Web Editor (the 26/08/2008 @ 11:14:57, Section Solidarity )
"COUPLES that separate ... PARENTS ARE: paternity and maternity in the separation. " Paths group aimed at parents Organised by the Health Authority with separated children 20.

Paths group aimed at separated parents with children Organised by the Health Authority 20. Operators ULSS 20 family planning clinics that deal with family and parenting within the Service for separated families, organize group paths aimed at separated parents with children. The proposal is offered to single parent who has gone through or going through separation or divorce.

This experience is a chance to find a place where meet and exchange views on specific topics with other parents separated, giving word problems, concerns and fears in relation to common children, have a space for discussion and mutual support, starting from the experience and narration of each parent through the complex and difficult process of change resulting from the separation, look to the future to overcome isolation and to ensure their children's presence both parents.

The primary objective of this group experience is to help parents to recall the role and function of paternal and maternal, the ability to protect those basic references for security, stability and continuity in which all children need in their growth path. The next group will start with the month of September. The route 8 meetings to be held fortnightly in the late afternoon at the Family Counseling Via Siracusa 4 (Area Borgo Milano) and at the Family Counseling of San Bonifacio, Via Sorte 15.

Anyone interested in participating in this experience can contact the operators of Space separated parents "every morning from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm at the Family Counseling Via Siracusa - Tel 045 8100422 and at the Family Counseling of San Bonifacio, Via Sorte 15 - Tel 045 6138515 .

Interested carry out a preliminary interview with the operators who will lead the group in order to prepare A list of participants. The final calendar of the meetings will be agreed at the time of the formation of the group.

source: http://www.giornaleadige.it/IT/articolo.asp?articolo=2996 # comments

Monday, August 18, 2008

Watch Maisoor Mallige Blue Film

Posted by Psycho on 25 Oct 2005, 03:18
in General ( PSYCHO - A Psychologist online )

There is a star in heaven above, looks like a little girl and shines a light into the night as a blonde.
has green eyes, wide open to see the world: the Matrix look, and then tells me that star smiles as we speak her. Two hours
Matrix is \u200b\u200bspeaking to me of this star, and barely two hours that I can help myself.
Meanwhile, the Matrix is \u200b\u200balways looking, looking, as if it were really alive, beating well.
The light of night is a light most unusual for me, having a walk around my house, while the air of Rome - a slight breeze that forgiving does not bring smells damp yet sad autumn - let us indulge in our evening walk.
And 'Saturday night, and in the afternoon I did not work, obviously.
the morning I did two or three visits, including Chicken Suleiman, and then the beautiful and depressed MV
Then she called Matrix, and had combined to see us in the evening.
Matrix has its own name, of course: it must still his nickname from the fact that we met at the exit of the film of the same name.
He was with his new girlfriend, me with one of my children: If we started to talk about the film, and then children.
He had read some of my articles on the subject (there are specialist journals), and when he realized that I was the author of those writings, he spoke of his tragedy. Matrix has not seen his daughter for a long time and why he, when speaking with someone's daughter, and it is night, always look for a star, and says that this is his daughter.
daughter's daughter is obviously time for a war without light and without mercy, if wars can lodge itself in lights and piety, and is the result of a marriage began and ended within a few years circa.Da Matrix when he left with his wife, started within few months, a vile and terrible war, which eventually led to the overturning of any relationship between him and former wife, and the removal of small V, who for years lived in a place that Matrix does not know and who are prevented from see the father even though a regular sentence gives him ample opportunity.
Look at the sky of Rome, Matrix, now, and says that her daughter is a star that sooner or later he will revise next to him, e intanto racconta di come in questi anni lui abbia passato tutte le sfumature della disperazione umana, di cui ti sa raccontare ogni angolo e ogni respiro.
Racconta particolari che non posso nemmeno citare, e sopra tutto, Matrix racconta la folle crudeltà di un sistema che attraverso la “giustizia” riesce a creare solo dolore e ingiustizia.
La voce con cui Matrix racconta tutto questo è una voce che sembra solo sfiorare le cose umane, una voce che ormai sembra lontana e carezzevole: ha perso una figlia e ha trovato una stella, dice lui, e parla come se lui ormai vivesse su quella stella: una stella bionda come era sua figlia, e dagli occhi verdi.
Quando ti strappano una figlia e ti impediscono di vederla have only two roads, he said.
Or go mad and make a killing, or transfigure everything in a world where all this creates a sense of loss that you live.
The fact that a daughter is torn a daughter alive, and which has been torn by the wickedness of the people, an evil system aided by a crowd like that in our countries should first ensure "justice" for children, and instead First is the conflict that gives them and their tragedies, the fact - I was saying - that human wickedness to take away a daughter, on the one hand undoubtedly gives the hope of seeing her again, while the other relates to their anger towards the ' irreducible self- itself, the terrible challenge of having to make a reason for a terrible hatred that one can not help but feel that, to survive and hoping not to destroy even more daughter, one can not erase.
Matrix is \u200b\u200bthe clear, bright example of how human consciousness can create an environment capable of transforming and creations in hopes their limits, their destructiveness, their own mistakes and horrors in that star blonde and wide-eyed and green are So for all of us the signs of those creations that we have forgotten, and that closed door at the bottom of our hearts.
Matrix is \u200b\u200bnot the only father in this condition: and it is not the only parent. There are many, che a causa di una logica folle, che coinvolge un intero sistema che dovrebbe tutelare gli affetti e invece li distrugge, hanno perso ogni contatto con i propri figli.
Casi nei quali si mostra tutta la paradossalità della nostra cultura – una cultura che vive nella logica di identificare nelle separazioni e nel conflitto la soluzione ai conflitti e alle separazioni.
La nostra - in altri termini - è una cultura che considera normale (ma normale per chi? E dove? viene da chiedersi) il fare la guerra contro la guerra, o combattere la violenza con altre violenze: una logica della contrapposizione che implica solo la contrapposizione e la scissione come soluzioni alle contrapposizioni e alle scissioni, e non punta mai ad enhance and supplement what is separate and in conflict (where everything, however, says Humberto Maturana, is a distinction made by one observer to another observer, who can be himself and http://www.matriztica.org http:/ / www.oikos.org / matit.htm).
There are children who, following the struggles between the parents, are brought in for all other states: in 2004, the Ministry of Justice was in charge of such cases over milleeduecento: literally abducted children to their parents, a parent today perhaps they themselves do not know and can no longer recall, and who live abroad in distant lands absolutely.
Many Italian children which is rendered impossible per anni incontrare uno dei due genitori.
Alcuni, come la piccola Valentina Cori, sono persino segnalati dalla Polizia di Stato nel suo sito tra i bambini sottratti (ciccando su questo link sarete diretti proprio alla pagina del sito della P.S. dedicata a Valentina CORI , il cui papà Enrico, altro mio carissimo amico ha creato un sito ( www.valentinacori.it ) per poter parlare alla figlia scomparsa, sperando che qualcuno la veda. Valentina, assume la Polizia di Stato, si troverebbe in Sicilia, verosimilmente sottratta dalla madre. Di tutti questi poveri bambini, vittime di guerre folli, si occupano alcune associazioni di genitori come www.figlinegati.it e “ Figli sottratti” (dove si leggono storie realmente tragiche di bambini sottratti all’estero) o, anche, “Papà Separati”, che sono, insieme ad un altro paio, fra le più credibili e quotate.
Ma il vasto panorama delle associazioni di genitori separati - le sigle sono tante, e vorrei dire: troppe- indica che anche qua la separazione rimane la chiave paradossale con cui, cercando di affrontare un problema, lo si esaspera:
-Gli stessi padri separati spesso sono ragazzini che riescono solo a separarsi fra loro perché ognuno vuole comandare e se non ci riesce si separa…- dice Matrix, mentre guarda quella stella e sembra inghiottire, con questa frase, un altro dispiacere.
- Dove pensi che sia Flavia, ora?- gli chiedo.
Non mi risponde subito, Matrix, perché prima guarda in cielo, e poi la strada.
Ma stasera noi siamo la strada, la notte, il vento, e lui non riesce a sottrarsi dunque al proprio sguardo:
-Forse è in Italia, forse l’hanno portata … ma tu non scriverlo, questo, nel post…-
Matrix, cosa manca a tutto questo, per permettere tutto questo?
-Siamo una cultura che vive di leggi e sentenze, ma nessuno di noi vuole rispettarne davvero una, se non è quella che gli conviene. I giudici fanno i processi per stabilire a chi va affidata mia figlia, ma se poi la madre la rapisce e la porta via, nessuno si muove per ridarmela, tantomeno per condannarla.
Matrix ha reason: to prevent a child to see the other parent is a behavior that involves extreme rarity of convictions.
The offense, if identified, does not include what ever happens in reality, namely a deep lesion of the balance of a child who will always be an adult amputee: If someone moves, and this "if" most of the time remains so, the head of an indictment is a circumvention of the order of the court.
And with that the Criminal Code, and the entire judiciary, they close their accounts and Conticini, knowing that that child suffers a vicious emotional abuse that will leave marks in his heart.
In contrast, non-payment of maintenance, involves a breach of the obligations of family care: for our code and our judiciary, therefore, it takes care of a child just giving money.
Then, you can also disappear, disappear or have a parent, and you do not commit crimes.
tragedies are inhuman, they, and every time a child is forced to lose a parent dies the world.
But we live in a culture that is not only indifferent to this, but even profiting: the dispute over custody of children generates tens of millions of euro a year, and nobody wants to give it up: not professional lobbyists, nor those who make more profits, more or less indirect, from all this.
There are whole categories that draw power and money from the persistence of this climate of continued conflict in our society.
I speak not only of lawyers but also those involved in social care, carers of expertise, who has homes in which families accommodate children who are victims of parental distress.
are many who gain from the tragedies that crush the hearts of children.
-You can not complain that we are a country where between the Mafia and political lobby, it always tries to subdue the justice and laws to our personal interests: we learn as children, says Matrix. He continues:
- The children of separated parents are well aware that if the mother (or father, much more rarely) it SODDING the judgments of the court, nothing happens. They are the mothers in these cases, that control, not the courts. Or Dad, when we bring them to tear the decisions: better, to "defeat".
La "nullification of the verdict" is in fact the term literally invented, in which a judge of the Court of Rome, Dr. ******* or fully justifies the behavior of a mother who for years had always escaped an obligation to protect the relationship between daughters and their father, and prevented them from meeting him regularly.
The ruling of Appeals is "frustrated by done, "and then closed so that each court case and hope that a ruling should be observed indeed, thought it natural and innocent, you could get away for years, teaching three little girls that their father, who had done nothing, it was person to hate.
In these cases, therefore, the police are helpless, the court washes his hands, or worse, the failure to endorse the years of judgments, that even legitimate to define "de facto undermined, and children grow up naturally and irrevocably with certainty that the judgments do not count, and you can "defeat" if we do not like. My daughter knows this very well, and they know it the children of us all separated. How does the judiciary to complain about the capacity of an entire mafia culture of an entire people, of all political majority, namely the ability to caring about laws and judgments, and, if you do not like the courts, uprooting their processes, if you let our own children to grow up in this culture of evasion of the law? -
What is missing, Matrix, our society?
missing father, Gaetano, he says. You know, you know better than me. Father is missing inside, lacks the capacity to grow and not be satisfied and in children without rules.
We are a society of eternal children, contentment, spoiled, unable to find a Logos sense and existence, to set limits and not only through needs. He's right
Matrix: Our company has disappeared from the Father, but not limited to the role, familiar figure, the male parent.
It 'disappeared as well, if you will, but most have disappeared from our consciousness, our deepest psyche. And not to be identified only by sheer familiar figure, or, worse still, with his son's mother violent, arrogant, spoiled, that when one spouse wants to remain the child inaccontentabile made such a "mother" always available, and that claim to find the partner only a person who, with good or bad, it satisfied and not to impose.
Our children are increasingly eaten up by desires, by our own or not important, and can not find the limits that give them more self-esteem and meaning to our existence in the diversity and responsibility for their choices.
The same children are reduced to the optional pastime, and thrown in a dumpster if they are considered a burden, an obstacle, or even the witnesses of a life not at his disposal: his mother filicide has always been considered incapable of consent, instead of the father filicide, which is always considered guilty capable of consent, because the child is increasingly seen as something intended solo ad allietare e gratificare un’esistenza.
-Attento a scriverle, queste cose- mi avverte Matrix. Sai benissimo che sono impopolari.
Si, è vero, Matrix, ma tu sei il mio amico di tanti anni, e abbiamo combattuto insieme un bel po’ di battaglie, e lo sai che io scrivo sempre quello che sento, e che sento vero… e questa sera l’incontro con te mi ha suscitato proprio queste riflessioni, e io, che sono abituato a scrivere nei miei post esattamente quello che più sento come mio, oggi parlerò proprio di questo: abbiamo perso la capacità di ascoltare il Padre che è dentro di noi.
Il Padre è una figura fondamentale, presente, come lo è quella della Madre, archetipicamente in the psyche of all, a figure who guides us into the world by rules without which we lost, which gives us the ability to process pain, which gives us strength and esteem in ourselves, and gives us the desire and the possibility, look up, and more, searching for new domains and new dimensions to be addressed.
Our culture has lost his father, and can not grow, we are destined to remain a society of eternal children, still undecided between a snack and a video game, unable to go further and address the existence of existence and not the door by a video of the last reality show or video phone purchased. You've read the books
-Rise, you? - I Calls Matrix.
books are beautiful and impressive, and scientific terrible statistics show: "The Father, the absent unacceptable" shows clearly in the lead to suicides, the homeless, the depressed, those in prison for long sentences, drug addicts, as well as to children being raped There are other, always together: the fatherlessen, children raised without a father.
Losing Father internally but also externally, means losing the right to life, in comparison with the existence of the possibility to live their autonomy as autonomy and not as you'd like someone else we must meet, leaving us to our helplessness . Slowly I go back and
Matrix to my home. We welcome
Paolik Suhe and Luke, my two youngest children. Missing the two biggest: sooner or later come. There are currently busy with her mother. Matrix
I ask if he wants a drink, a nightcap before leaving.
He looks at his companion, the beautiful Lara, Russian, and she tells him she can not bring himself to stay.
Matrix smiles and tells me he has to go: Lara has a violent attack of nausea, and wants to go home. Already
: Matrix and Lara expecting a baby.
And this is life, life that continues, because, somewhere in the world, a road or in a dark corner of the Unconscious, where only an injury brings light, there is still a father who wants to go back to being a father.

Gaetano Giordano, psycho in Rome

thanks, on this night by night and dreams, for ER, which has accompanied me on my street and my horizons




source: http://www.giannifurlanetto.it/nel_segno_del_padre.htm

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pokemon Hard Gold For Desmume

organization for separated children online

Interesting half di gestione degli impegni dei genitori separati, condivisione ecc. Custody planner


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ibuprofen Gives Me Heart Burn

Address by dr. Vittorio Vezzetti joint custody to the Conference of the Children and Equal Parenting, Palermo 21 - 22 May 2008 Speech

L'audio è purtroppo un po' basso

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happend Ramon Bangbros

VITTORIO Vezzetti and MARIO MILANI interesting

Pilote Windows 7 Presario V6000

Adiantum will dismiss Istat shared custody

Roma – Fabio Nestola, Responsabile Nazionale Dati dell'Osservatorio, afferma che "ad growth rate of joint custody of the children are not too different from those measures undertaken with the old system. In too many courts shared custody is just a label to be glued to the previous policy, it just changes the words the children no more 'reliable' but 'placed' in a single parent who gets the award for the effect of the house marriage and the payment of a contribution to maintenance. Exactly the opposite of what the Legislature intended to reform. In essence, the statistical reflect a bright facade behind which lurks a real landscape still gray. Associations of parents who have encouraged and supported the reform, but also judges, lawyers, psychologists, educators and dozens of parliamentarians, converge on the need to update the legislation to date impoverished by a failure to apply demeaning. "We are far away," says Tiziana Arsenti, National Coordinator of the Centre, "from a practical application of shared in Italy. The real 'boom' we are seeing is related to the hundreds of measures, differing from the wording of Law 54, which our Centre is receiving from across the country, confirming that the data these days ISTAT doth hide a reality entirely different. The size of the problem today seem alarming. "Harder Daddy Separate Chairman of Palermo, which adds" a closer look its current application of the law, the mandate of Parliament has been betrayed by those who had to ensure its proper implementation. The joint custody has been emptied by the meaning that the Legislature had given, and the extreme arbitrariness with which the judiciary continues to apply the previous case is before the eyes of all. "" If today, "said Andrew Card, President Papa Separate Novara, "a parent should threaten to set themselves on fire in front of a court to obtain a hearing by the institutions that stubbornly deny its right to parenthood, it is clear that this state of things does not work. Judiciary and social services often are involved in a disproportionate manner commettendo errori sulla pelle dei bambini" Per Vittorio Apolloni, Presidente del Centro Documentazione Falsi Abusi su minori, «L'ISTAT non dà indicazioni sulla gran mole di false accuse che sempre di più accompagnano i procedimenti giudiziali di separazione. E' necessaria, invece, una radicale riforma del sistema dei servizi sociali e una revisione delle procedure di colloquio e perizia sui bambini vittime di presunti abusi. In 22.986 casi i genitori si accusano a vicenda, usando i figli come mezzo di rivalsa sull'altro. E la metà delle denunce di violenza sui bambini si rivela poi infondata, senza alcuna conseguenza sostanziale per l'accusatore". "Purtroppo", conclude Antonello De Leonardis, Presidente foggiano di Genitori Separati, " what is missing is that cultural change that the Legislature should be called for in the courts of Italy with the news law 54 of 2006. In these two years of neglect, however, thousands of children continued to suffer the violence of removal from the parent excluded, while the ISTAT claims to give people the illusion that everything has been resolved. It is painful to admit that the entry into force of Law 54, its practical application by the judiciary, separated by a period of time that still kills victims. "
source: http://www.casertanews.it/public/articoli/200808 / art_20080812064253.htm