9-17 HOURS Saturday, October 25, 2008 in Varese, Villa Recalcati:
Ongoing demand for high patronage of the Presidency of the Republic.
Among the many speakers, in addition to members of Adiantum-associative realities have confirmed participation for now the vice-chairman of the House Judiciary Committee on. avv.Carolina Lussier, Hon. Emanuela Baio, the Hon. avv.Maurizio Paniz and on. Luca Volonte, Prof. Maria Rosaria Mancinelli-Psychologist Univ. Cattolica di Milano, Prof. Fabio Canziani-neuropsychiatrist at the University of Palermo, prof. James Rolls-mathematical physicist at the University of L'Aquila, Dr. Bruno De Filippis, Judge of the Court of Appeal, the lawyer. AIAF Lombardia Milena Pini President, Dr. Paul Piccinelli, O. Del Ponte NPI Unit Head Varese, the Prog.Giorgio Bellotti-psychologist at the University of Insubria. These
the sponsorship obtained so far: Provincia di Varese, Regione Lombardia-Department of the Family and Social Solidarity, ASL Provincia di Varese, Università dell'Insubria, CESVOV, Italian Federation of Paediatricians Doctors prov. Varese, Cestut, Adiantum.
make a request for ministerial CME accreditation for psychologists and doctors.
Scientific secretary Dr. Elena Sartorio 347-6175588 347-5977408 Dr.Vittorio Vezzetti
News and
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Horizontal Slated Wood Fence
handbook for parents against drugs to minors
PURPOSE OF THE HANDBOOK: Protect children and their families from the harmful influence of
psychologists and psychiatrists in schools. More and more parents call us concerned about proposals
psychological within the school starting from kindergarten. Most parents
not know that this is a specific strategy to acquire customers in that great sea that is the school.
Strategy developed 40 years ago in America for 10 years has been imported in Italy. Over the past 4 - 5 years
had a boom on us too. In all possible ways psychologists and psychiatrists are
persuading teachers and parents and school problems are "mental illnesses" to treat and
that only they can solve the problem. We invite everyone to beware of those professionals who
can not show any change in the behavior of boys but a worsening net
. Bullying, that claim to solve, is a direct consequence of these programs
introduced in Italy about 10 years ago. For more information section
publications / brochures / damage the young, or
1. Go to the school attended by your children and
submitted a written statement by you, made and signed the protocol, stating your total refusal to submit to
your children to psychological-psychiatric assessment tests, for example, cognitive tests
, personality, behavior, language
of survey questionnaires, the assessment of anxiety and depression .... This
will prevent your children participate in the proposed initiatives and
Protect yourself from any action without your knowledge.
If you wish to speak in more detail, you can do what is written below;
But first you need to know which schools are the organs in which parents are present and you can intervene
a. Tips intersection (kindergarten), interclass (primary school), class
are formed by teachers, the parents' representatives (students in secondary schools) and
chaired by the Headmaster or a teacher or delegated by him. Among the functions
show the following:
- formulare proposte di carattere educativo, didattico;
- esprimere pareri sull’adozione dei libri di testo;
- esaminare la programmazione didattica elaborata dai docenti;
- verificare ogni due mesi l’andamento dell’attività didattica, interesse, problemi, difficoltà… .
b. Consiglio di Circolo e di Istituto.
E’ formato dai rappresentanti dei docenti, del personale amministrativo, dei collaboratori scolastici,
dei genitori e dal Dirigente Scolastico. E’ presieduto da un genitore, eletto Presidente.
Esso adotta gli indirizzi generali del P.O.F. (di cui trovate la sua spiegazione sotto) , indica i criteri
generali per la programmazione educativa, formulate and adopt general guidelines of the school ....
c. Assembly class
E 'fundamental expression of the participation of parents in school management
, formed by parents of the class and teachers working in it, it is proposed to build a
constructive cooperation between all members of the school through information and suggestions .
During this assembly will be elected the representative of the parents.
d. Committee of parents
E 'consists of class representatives and aims to promote initiatives that improve the
school-family, school and family in promoting greater attention to issues related to education
and to protect the security and the right to health.
is at this point the steps you can take: 1
. First go to the school attended by your children and get to the
POF, which is none other than the POF, which is the identity card of the school
explaining all the services the school offers its users. If you
ask why, just say that is your right to know the curriculum.
Visionatelo inside, especially with regard to planned projects, in particular those relating to
activity screening, namely the cognitive tests, psychological aim di
individuare "disturbi fantomatici" di apprendimento, "di attenzione e iperattività" ecc., che
successivamente possono portare a segnalare il bambino per una etichettatura da “handicappato” o
affetto da "disturbo da deficit di attenzione e iperattività", per fare degli esempi ed approdare forse
nelle mani di neuropsichiatri infantili che, per risolvere il suo disagio, medicalizzano i suoi
problemi, ricorrendo magari alla terapia psicofarmacologica (in Italia 50.000 circa sono già i
bambini ai quali stanno venendo somministrati psicofarmaci!).
Attenzione anche ai Progetti sull'affettività che spesso vengono gestiti da neuropsichiatri infantili o
psicologi che entering the classroom to observe the children.
may be that the POF did not find projects in their entirety, you may only see
cited the titles or summaries.
Usually parents are not the Project is shown in its entirety, but it will come to
knowledge through a circular, which presents only a brief summary. The project is complete:
is why you must see, to avoid surprises later.
You have every right (under the law on transparency, which is No. 241) to view them,
contacting the Office of Leadership.
doing so you are always informed about what are the projects that the school will continue nel corso
dell’anno scolastico e decidere di conseguenza, anche ricorrendo al trasferimento di vostro figlio in
un’altra scuola.
IMPORTANTE: è stato rilevato che gli screening psicologici non sempre avvengono tramite test.
Rapporti ricevuti parlano, per evitare lamentele dei genitori, di proposte di temi poi visionati da
psicologi, semplice osservazione dei bambini impegnati in normali attività di gioco, giochi proposti
da psicologi. Ultimamente, sempre per aggirare probabili lamentele, sono diventati più creativi: i
test li consegnano a casa chiedendo ai genitori di rispondere. Questi sotterfugi la dicono lunga sulle
intenzioni nascoste di psicologi e psichiatri per la scuola.
2. To submit your child to psychological tests and questionnaires or learning disabilities
YOU VI. In the event that your children have been subjected to psychological tests to
without your knowledge you can make a complaint for breach of privacy law (D. Lgs. 196/03),
that you can send out to the Director of School Region of residence, education and training
Alderman of that region, the Privacy (Piazza Monte
Citorio 121, 00186 Rome). Copy dell'esposto can also send it to the Committee of Citizens
Human Rights, Viale Monza, 1 - 20125 Milano
3. Proponetevi as a representative of the parents in my class, so, attendance at various meetings
, you can better monitor the situation of the teaching-educational class. You also have the opportunity
to have greater communication with class teachers and work with them,
thereby assisting in the educational institution and educational choices in the kind of education that
impart to your children (art. 26 of the Universal Declaration Human Rights).
4. Proponetevi to join the Council of the Institute and making it active and responsible part of school life
you will be involved, along with other parents, to return to the school teachers
professionals to guide students so that they can grow in a healthy and balanced
consolidating and developing their personality by enhancing the foreground
who apply later in life.
5. Should your child, during a conversation with teachers or with the Coordinator of
faculty, may run the risk of being reported as "affection" to "handicap" rather
that "learning disabilities" (= inability dysgraphia to write correctly, dyslexia
= inability to read and understand a written text ...) following tests that has been subjected,
you, as guardians and responsible for your child, YOU CAN RELY VI. You have every right to let you show
tests administered to your child. Be clear and explain everything to
example from the tests that your child is hyperactive. What does it mean hyperactive? What are the scientific tests
consider this? Who decided that my son is hyperactive? By what
score? Who decided that this number represents a deficit?
These are some questions you can ask the faculty.
If your child has difficulty, are the various actions that can be taken:
refer your child to a full check-up for possible problems Physically,
complement your child's teacher to help him recover from the academic point of view, change its
power, which has glandular disorders or allergies or a presence of excessive sugars, coloring ...
6. If your child has already been diagnosed as "suffering from ...", you have every right to do
clear opposition, making the tests show and declaring that you are already taking care of your child
outside of school, by an ' Recovery teacher, rather than
yourself, for example. Remember: PARENTS ARE THE ONLY RESPONSIBLE
REMEMBER: "Schools are for learning. No need for psychiatric experiments on
young minds. " (Bruce Wiseman, author of Psychiatry: The Ultimate Betrayal, p.. 385).
FOR INFORMATION: The Piedmont and Trentino are the first two Italian regions that have
passed a law which places a total ban of psychological tests in schools, the law is
arrived in Parliament.
The children of today will be the future leaders of tomorrow!
order to grow happy to be accountable for their actions without relying on psychological or psychiatric care
to be "good children".
Citizens Commission on Human Rights onlus
For information: tel
02-36510685 E-mail:
PURPOSE OF THE HANDBOOK: Protect children and their families from the harmful influence of
psychologists and psychiatrists in schools. More and more parents call us concerned about proposals
psychological within the school starting from kindergarten. Most parents
not know that this is a specific strategy to acquire customers in that great sea that is the school.
Strategy developed 40 years ago in America for 10 years has been imported in Italy. Over the past 4 - 5 years
had a boom on us too. In all possible ways psychologists and psychiatrists are
persuading teachers and parents and school problems are "mental illnesses" to treat and
that only they can solve the problem. We invite everyone to beware of those professionals who
can not show any change in the behavior of boys but a worsening net
. Bullying, that claim to solve, is a direct consequence of these programs
introduced in Italy about 10 years ago. For more information section
publications / brochures / damage the young, or
1. Go to the school attended by your children and
submitted a written statement by you, made and signed the protocol, stating your total refusal to submit to
your children to psychological-psychiatric assessment tests, for example, cognitive tests
, personality, behavior, language
of survey questionnaires, the assessment of anxiety and depression .... This
will prevent your children participate in the proposed initiatives and
Protect yourself from any action without your knowledge.
If you wish to speak in more detail, you can do what is written below;
But first you need to know which schools are the organs in which parents are present and you can intervene
a. Tips intersection (kindergarten), interclass (primary school), class
are formed by teachers, the parents' representatives (students in secondary schools) and
chaired by the Headmaster or a teacher or delegated by him. Among the functions
show the following:
- formulare proposte di carattere educativo, didattico;
- esprimere pareri sull’adozione dei libri di testo;
- esaminare la programmazione didattica elaborata dai docenti;
- verificare ogni due mesi l’andamento dell’attività didattica, interesse, problemi, difficoltà… .
b. Consiglio di Circolo e di Istituto.
E’ formato dai rappresentanti dei docenti, del personale amministrativo, dei collaboratori scolastici,
dei genitori e dal Dirigente Scolastico. E’ presieduto da un genitore, eletto Presidente.
Esso adotta gli indirizzi generali del P.O.F. (di cui trovate la sua spiegazione sotto) , indica i criteri
generali per la programmazione educativa, formulate and adopt general guidelines of the school ....
c. Assembly class
E 'fundamental expression of the participation of parents in school management
, formed by parents of the class and teachers working in it, it is proposed to build a
constructive cooperation between all members of the school through information and suggestions .
During this assembly will be elected the representative of the parents.
d. Committee of parents
E 'consists of class representatives and aims to promote initiatives that improve the
school-family, school and family in promoting greater attention to issues related to education
and to protect the security and the right to health.
is at this point the steps you can take: 1
. First go to the school attended by your children and get to the
POF, which is none other than the POF, which is the identity card of the school
explaining all the services the school offers its users. If you
ask why, just say that is your right to know the curriculum.
Visionatelo inside, especially with regard to planned projects, in particular those relating to
activity screening, namely the cognitive tests, psychological aim di
individuare "disturbi fantomatici" di apprendimento, "di attenzione e iperattività" ecc., che
successivamente possono portare a segnalare il bambino per una etichettatura da “handicappato” o
affetto da "disturbo da deficit di attenzione e iperattività", per fare degli esempi ed approdare forse
nelle mani di neuropsichiatri infantili che, per risolvere il suo disagio, medicalizzano i suoi
problemi, ricorrendo magari alla terapia psicofarmacologica (in Italia 50.000 circa sono già i
bambini ai quali stanno venendo somministrati psicofarmaci!).
Attenzione anche ai Progetti sull'affettività che spesso vengono gestiti da neuropsichiatri infantili o
psicologi che entering the classroom to observe the children.
may be that the POF did not find projects in their entirety, you may only see
cited the titles or summaries.
Usually parents are not the Project is shown in its entirety, but it will come to
knowledge through a circular, which presents only a brief summary. The project is complete:
is why you must see, to avoid surprises later.
You have every right (under the law on transparency, which is No. 241) to view them,
contacting the Office of Leadership.
doing so you are always informed about what are the projects that the school will continue nel corso
dell’anno scolastico e decidere di conseguenza, anche ricorrendo al trasferimento di vostro figlio in
un’altra scuola.
IMPORTANTE: è stato rilevato che gli screening psicologici non sempre avvengono tramite test.
Rapporti ricevuti parlano, per evitare lamentele dei genitori, di proposte di temi poi visionati da
psicologi, semplice osservazione dei bambini impegnati in normali attività di gioco, giochi proposti
da psicologi. Ultimamente, sempre per aggirare probabili lamentele, sono diventati più creativi: i
test li consegnano a casa chiedendo ai genitori di rispondere. Questi sotterfugi la dicono lunga sulle
intenzioni nascoste di psicologi e psichiatri per la scuola.
2. To submit your child to psychological tests and questionnaires or learning disabilities
YOU VI. In the event that your children have been subjected to psychological tests to
without your knowledge you can make a complaint for breach of privacy law (D. Lgs. 196/03),
that you can send out to the Director of School Region of residence, education and training
Alderman of that region, the Privacy (Piazza Monte
Citorio 121, 00186 Rome). Copy dell'esposto can also send it to the Committee of Citizens
Human Rights, Viale Monza, 1 - 20125 Milano
3. Proponetevi as a representative of the parents in my class, so, attendance at various meetings
, you can better monitor the situation of the teaching-educational class. You also have the opportunity
to have greater communication with class teachers and work with them,
thereby assisting in the educational institution and educational choices in the kind of education that
impart to your children (art. 26 of the Universal Declaration Human Rights).
4. Proponetevi to join the Council of the Institute and making it active and responsible part of school life
you will be involved, along with other parents, to return to the school teachers
professionals to guide students so that they can grow in a healthy and balanced
consolidating and developing their personality by enhancing the foreground
who apply later in life.
5. Should your child, during a conversation with teachers or with the Coordinator of
faculty, may run the risk of being reported as "affection" to "handicap" rather
that "learning disabilities" (= inability dysgraphia to write correctly, dyslexia
= inability to read and understand a written text ...) following tests that has been subjected,
you, as guardians and responsible for your child, YOU CAN RELY VI. You have every right to let you show
tests administered to your child. Be clear and explain everything to
example from the tests that your child is hyperactive. What does it mean hyperactive? What are the scientific tests
consider this? Who decided that my son is hyperactive? By what
score? Who decided that this number represents a deficit?
These are some questions you can ask the faculty.
If your child has difficulty, are the various actions that can be taken:
refer your child to a full check-up for possible problems Physically,
complement your child's teacher to help him recover from the academic point of view, change its
power, which has glandular disorders or allergies or a presence of excessive sugars, coloring ...
6. If your child has already been diagnosed as "suffering from ...", you have every right to do
clear opposition, making the tests show and declaring that you are already taking care of your child
outside of school, by an ' Recovery teacher, rather than
yourself, for example. Remember: PARENTS ARE THE ONLY RESPONSIBLE
REMEMBER: "Schools are for learning. No need for psychiatric experiments on
young minds. " (Bruce Wiseman, author of Psychiatry: The Ultimate Betrayal, p.. 385).
FOR INFORMATION: The Piedmont and Trentino are the first two Italian regions that have
passed a law which places a total ban of psychological tests in schools, the law is
arrived in Parliament.
The children of today will be the future leaders of tomorrow!
order to grow happy to be accountable for their actions without relying on psychological or psychiatric care
to be "good children".
Citizens Commission on Human Rights onlus
For information: tel
02-36510685 E-mail:
Monday, September 1, 2008
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