leads to folly
Il «Corriere della Sera» ha pubblicato oggi questa notizia:
Tragedia della follia a Gornate Olona, in provincia di Varese
Stermina la famiglia, poi si uccide
Ha ucciso la moglie e i figli di 5 e 9 anni. Poi si è asfissiato nel garage. Lei aveva chiesto la separazione.
VARESE - Strage della follia a Gornate Olona, in provincia di Varese. Maurizio Del Cero, 42 anni, ha ucciso moglie e i due figli di 5 e 9 anni, prima di togliersi la vita. L'uomo, rimasto da poco senza lavoro, ha compiuto la strage la scorsa notte.
A far scattare la molla potrebbe essere stata la richiesta della donna di separazione, giunta dopo il recentissimo licenziamento dell'uomo dall'azienda del suocero dove lavorava.
Della sua difficile situazione famigliare non ne faceva mistero, almeno secondo i vicini che parlano di una «famiglia tranquilla» e con la quale «si avevano buoni rapporti di vicinato». Sempre i vicini raccontano che solo negli ultimi giorni aveva cominciato a entrare nei dettagli della sua situazione e, inoltre, appariva molto preoccupato.
Un film già visto, fin troppe volte. Nonostante questo ancora una volta i giornali riportano la notizia allineandosi a uno stereotipo ormai consolidato: così si parla di «follia», di «famiglia tranquilla», di «buon vicinato». Per chi questi problemi li conosce well, you never stop to be amazed dall'ignavia and ignorance surrounding these tragic events, many of which could have been avoided because the symptoms are easily recognizable, mainly because, although triggered by situations "domestic", are too often exacerbated by a nineteenth century case law and sexist that puts one of the parties with their backs to the wall.
The ancient Romans used to say "a fleeing enemy, golden bridges' means that if you put someone up against the wall, if he cuts all the way out in the end, in desperation, will react with extreme violence. And this is precisely what happens in these cases. I do not know exactly what happened in this case, but I have seen hundreds of cases like this and the pattern is always the same. This time the man has already lost their jobs, while in others the work lost after the separation but the end result is the same. Also at the beginning is quiet, but all are first to understand how this mechanism to be butchers, or before going to court or have to deal with opposing counsel. Often the impact of a reality that is not made public, they come to know only about their skin is disruttivo.
At this point we can only guess since they do not yet know the details, but it is reasonable to think that someone has said or even Only the man who assumed his wife would surely have been in foster children, most likely he would lose the house and that still would have to pay a maintenance, even if you do not know with what money since he had already lost work. In practice, homeless, jobless, childless, alone and in or out on the street. Remember? "... He looked very worried ..."
course, came the murder is madness, but madness can be brought to any of us if you know the right levers. For some it is already sufficient "only" losing the family on which he had invested a lifetime, for others it is necessary to miss work or roof magari era costato immani sacrifici; per altri la crisi scatta con l'allontanamento dai figli, ovvero con il venir trasformati da un giorno all'altro da un'assurda e vergognosa giurisprudenza da genitori a tutti gli effetti in padri ad ore. Per altri ancora tutto ciò non basta: magari il vaso trabocca quando la moglie si porta l'amante in casa ma continua a pretendere l'assegno di mantenimento nonostante sia mantenuta anche da qualcuno molto più ricco dell'ex-marito (è successo), oppure quando si viene accusati falsamente di abusi sui figli per contrastare un'eventuale richiesta di affido condiviso (anche questo è successo), oppure ancora quando qualcuno, magari un poliziotto amico della moglie, ti mette della droga sotto il sedile dell'auto e ti arresta (e anche questo è successo).
La maggior parte finisce per arrendersi (e sono decine di migliaia), altri continuano a combattere con alterne vicende (e sono migliaia), altri ancora iniziano una battaglia civile per portare all'attenzione dell'opinione pubblica questo grave problema (e sono diverse centinaia). Purtroppo però ci sono anche alcune migliaia che, abbandonati da tutti, dopo aver chiesto inutilmente aiuto, disperati, si lasciano completamente andare e finiscono per massacrare la famiglia e poi per suicidarsi. Qualche centinaio, invece, si suicida e basta: per loro due righe sul giornale e la cosa finisce lì.
Questa non è violenza domestica. La violenza sono le percosse domestiche, violence are the rapes, the real violence is fundamentally a coward: do not ever commit suicide. These men are victims as those who kill, victims of a system that is the real murderess, a ruthless murderess whose name, however, the newspapers never ends.
source: http://lindipendente.splinder.com/post/21095291/Portati%% 20alla 20follia
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Why Does My Fat Itch With Pleurisy
open letter ... Let's talk about tragedies announced
announced tragedy:
"About tragedy Gornate Olona , near Varese
, where a parent, before committing suicide, he killed his children and wife
, in a separate proceeding, we read that some
journalists speak of tragedy, unexpected, sudden. Unexpected
like yesterday Cuneo (2 deaths) and that of Rho
few days ago (2 more dead)?
as those that happen every day in Italy: one death every three days and three wounded
day in marital separations in the past 10 years
(official data observatory FENBI). All unexpected tragedies? O
frankly rather predictable and triggered by a system that exacerbates the conflict between spouses
-parents? From a system that often involves the destruction
legal advice from a parent?
Stop the hypocrisy: the system of segregation in our country instead
defuse tensions tend to exacerbate, perhaps
-say-perhaps even because of the conflict created casings
important and why there is a total absence of the rule is in form and substance
(read lack of preparation and specific operators
biblical times to solve problems that require little in France
months of work).
In 2006, the attempt to introduce some form of mediation in the law court
shared custody was rejected, indeed, the law was
its elimination from the post as a conditio sine qua non for
passage of the Act (as recalled in a conference Senator
Baio Dossi).
Why is mediation so afraid? Perhaps because composing conflicts
outside the courts will reduce the turnover of those who dispute the
We note that a prominent lawyer in Milan in spring
order was suspended for three parcels from 30 to 40,000 € (and they were only the advance payments
court cases).
Figlipersempre, adhering to the most important Italian association for the protection of minors
, Adiantum, is advocating the proposed
Act 2209 which tends to mitigate the problems, we say for years
ignored Varese (town understandably not new episodes of
general), emphasize the conflict and lead to desperate acts.
But we learned during these months of contacts with the Parliament that there are very strong resistance
, non tutte legate alla scarsa conoscenza del
Allora, caro Direttore, basta parlare di tragedie inaspettate: iniziamo
piuttosto a parlare di tragedie annunciate (oltre 100 morti ogni anno,
centinaia di bambini feriti, uccisi od orfani).
E operiamo tutti assieme per mutare una situazione che, a dispetto di
quello che ci vogliono far credere, è disastrosa.
Comitato Direttivo Figlipersempre".
fonte www.figlipersempre.com
announced tragedy:
"About tragedy Gornate Olona , near Varese
, where a parent, before committing suicide, he killed his children and wife
, in a separate proceeding, we read that some
journalists speak of tragedy, unexpected, sudden. Unexpected
like yesterday Cuneo (2 deaths) and that of Rho
few days ago (2 more dead)?
as those that happen every day in Italy: one death every three days and three wounded
day in marital separations in the past 10 years
(official data observatory FENBI). All unexpected tragedies? O
frankly rather predictable and triggered by a system that exacerbates the conflict between spouses
-parents? From a system that often involves the destruction
legal advice from a parent?
Stop the hypocrisy: the system of segregation in our country instead
defuse tensions tend to exacerbate, perhaps
-say-perhaps even because of the conflict created casings
important and why there is a total absence of the rule is in form and substance
(read lack of preparation and specific operators
biblical times to solve problems that require little in France
months of work).
In 2006, the attempt to introduce some form of mediation in the law court
shared custody was rejected, indeed, the law was
its elimination from the post as a conditio sine qua non for
passage of the Act (as recalled in a conference Senator
Baio Dossi).
Why is mediation so afraid? Perhaps because composing conflicts
outside the courts will reduce the turnover of those who dispute the
We note that a prominent lawyer in Milan in spring
order was suspended for three parcels from 30 to 40,000 € (and they were only the advance payments
court cases).
Figlipersempre, adhering to the most important Italian association for the protection of minors
, Adiantum, is advocating the proposed
Act 2209 which tends to mitigate the problems, we say for years
ignored Varese (town understandably not new episodes of
general), emphasize the conflict and lead to desperate acts.
But we learned during these months of contacts with the Parliament that there are very strong resistance
, non tutte legate alla scarsa conoscenza del
Allora, caro Direttore, basta parlare di tragedie inaspettate: iniziamo
piuttosto a parlare di tragedie annunciate (oltre 100 morti ogni anno,
centinaia di bambini feriti, uccisi od orfani).
E operiamo tutti assieme per mutare una situazione che, a dispetto di
quello che ci vogliono far credere, è disastrosa.
Comitato Direttivo Figlipersempre".
fonte www.figlipersempre.com
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