Monday, May 31, 2010

Bottling Plant Aristocrat India

RC car for foreigners cost-plus

Car Insurance still targeted consumers.
This time it's an increase, no justification, which affects some motorists coming from other European nations. The number
Today Republic reports the case of a national of Romania that has view the increase RC Cars bill of € 250.00 well. Upon removal of the slip, the bartender Romania has noticed an increase in the premium. The specific question of why, the insurer would have said that is covered by a "risk nationality."

associations of foreigners in Italy promise battle. This, however, is not an isolated case: just make the checks with various insurance companies car to find that the so-called national risk exists, and how.

From north to south, several companies apply different costs on the basis of nationality, increased costs by a massive 15% if the insured is Rumanian nationality. But ethnic

rates are legitimate? L ' Isvap , which should oversee the insurance companies, prompted the question, he prefers to keep quiet. Consumer groups argue that every company has the right to apply its own fees and deposit ISVAP however, as a result, it should have permissions.

The company, however, may fare in a different way, inventing an internal rule, according to a has been assessed as higher risk. It is up to the client whether to accept or turn to other insurance companies.

speaking law can be rather easily organize a legal battle, because the fact, in Italy, affecting many rights. Eugen Terteleac, president of the Romanians in Italy, announces a legal battle against what he calls "a blatant inequality."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can Ducks Live On Concrete

Tomorrow I'ISC

As announced earlier this year, from May 26 will be mandatory for all banks to have and communicate the ' ISC, the' Cost synthetic indicator for current accounts.
It is a sort of "gauge" under the rules on transparency of the Bank of Italy to allow consistent comparison between bank accounts, up to now difficult a causa di spese fisse e variabili non sempre esplicite nelle offerte delle banche.
Una rivoluzione, Ma quanto vale l'lsc?
Fino a 182 euro all'anno nei conti per famiglie, secondo la simulazione Bocconi per Corriere Economia su Unicredit, Intesa Sanpaolo, Bnl, Mps e Ubi.
Le meno care? lng e Webank.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Illustration Of Womans Body

part with: the five times' useful. First board of directors with Cesare Geronzi

Cinque volte superiore a quello dello stesso periodo del 2009. Le Generali archiviano il primo trimestre dell'anno con un risultato di tutto rispetto. L'utile netto dei primi tre mesi è salito a 527 milioni di euro rispetto ai 104 milioni del primo trimestre dello scorso anno e soprattutto a fronte delle aspettative di mercato che indicavano 477 milioni. Ieri per discutere dei accounts gathered in the Milan office of the Lion all members of the board. It was the first board of directors following the creation of Cesare Geronzi the presidency. Cesare Geronzi highlighted the good performance of the accounts "despite the continuation of a difficult macroeconomic environment." It showed "the capacity for innovation and competitiveness of the Group which has been shown to be able to improve profitability and to respond to the expectations of a diverse clientele." And this was made possible following the strategy of "developing the traditional line of protection of savings to meet the growing international competition." Operating results for the quarter (1201000000 or +22%) contributed mainly the strong performance of the Life segment, which rose to 866 million (+60.8%) which benefited from the high collection (premiums to 14.2 billion +25.7%), improvement of financial markets and cost containment. Stable non-life premiums of 6.6 billion. Faced with these numbers show that the real challenge will be to continue to grow profits and grind with rates so low and with a branch that suffers damage. As for the rest of the group's strategy has exposed Cesare Geronzi meeting of 24 April. In the new era of Leo will be there, he said, "further growth, strong roots in Italy." Possibili acquisizioni si concretizzeranno, ha spiegato, soprattutto guardando a Nord e a Est, e nei paesi dove il gruppo è già presente. I risultati presentati ieri dimostrano che la strada è buona. Il risultato operativo dell'Italia è salito del 26,1% e se i Paesi dell'Est Europa mostrano invece un -22,7% è a causa del leggero peggioramento del combined ratio che resta tuttavia a livelli eccezionali. Confermata l'attesa per il 2010 di un risultato operativo di circa 4 miliardi. Il vicepresidente Bollorè ha poi riferito che la remunerazione di Cesare Geronzi è stata ridotta rispetto a quella del suo predecessore. Poi riferendosi all'intervento di Antonio Catricalà sull'opportunità di ridurre Piazzetta Cuccia's participation in general, Bolloré said that "Global is very lucky to have as an independent shareholder Mediobanca that gives stability."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

ıcc İnternatİonal Color Chart

I update .. x_x '
that lazy lately ..
put some little thing done in his free time ..
I enjoy showing the phases of a design!

after all this time I started Open Canvas, is great fun to fade the colors!
Below is an unsuccessful experiment .. I wanted to try to mix some elements of Russian fairy tales in the style of Asumiko Nakamura .. at least I enjoyed xvx '