Thursday, November 25, 2010

Brainstorming Activity For Biology

Premafin - Unicredit board of directors at the extraordinary

could quickly get the go ahead to participate in the recapitalization of Unicredit Premafin Fonsai and, in addition to Credit Suisse. Yesterday, the CEO of Cordusio Piazza, Federico Ghizzoni, confirmed that the bank is studying the dossier: "I can not make advances, we are evaluating."

According to some sources, the President may convene Dieter Rampl an extraordinary board of directors to accelerate the go ahead from the bank (of which Salvatore Ligresti is a related party as a member of the board, as well as shareholder and debtor is at the level of Premafin both boxes upstream, beginning with Synergy Holding) to participate in the underwriting syndicate Premafin 250 million (115 million guaranteed only by Groupama thanks to a shareholders' agreement with the family Ligresti) and that from 460 million Fondiaria-Sai.

The change of the original agreement Ligresti-Groupama, with the price of the increase Premafin no more than 1.1 euro but decisions on the basis of the market, has made it easier for Unicredit participate in a consortium to cover the unexercised.

The bank may in fact be on his own pay funds to a debtor. The whole operation is still sub judice: Consob ravviserà start only if a joint control over LigrestiGroupama Premafin. If, however, trigger a compulsory takeover bid and Premafin Fonsai, and perhaps also on subsidiary Milano Assicurazioni, would jump all over the floor. Yesterday, the market has punished Fonsai, -3.40% to 6.11 euro, and Premafin, -1.89% to 0.83 euro. Analysts unenforceable first accounts of the effects of the increase, structured so that Ligresti remains at 34% as originally agreed with Groupama. According

Equita Sim , the holding company led by Francesco Perilli , Premafin advisor, "assuming a 30% discount and cash out a 100 million, would Premafin to control about 35% of Fondiaria Sai 'by 'current 46%. According to Banca Leonardo, Fonsai would increase its solvency ratio from 109% to 130%. " At current prices, the target price set by Leonardo would drop from 8.1 to 7.2 euro, if it happened at a discount of 30%, the target would rise to € 6.3.

- Milano Finanza, Premafin, Unicredit board of directors at the extraordinary ok


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Simple Wedding Programs

Tribute for Satoshi Kon + videos

Done for the expo at Lucca convention

WIP video:

Extra! is so sweet! * __ *

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lump After A Cardiac Catherization

Illustrations, art trades and works in progress ~

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Solution Of Memory Access Violation In Tally 9

Rc car ok here is the insurance companies to avoid

In post on November 1, I talked about the dangers of the insurance companies that ghost Stipules rc car even if utorizzate ninth.

Here is the list of those reported by ' Isvap in 2010, where to stay away:
- Ala Insurance, headquartered in Austria and direction (in Italy based in Rome, via Settecamini, 106) different from' Ala Insurance Sp.A. Group companies will be that instead duly registered and licensed with registered offices in Milan at Via Porro Lambertenghi 7;
- Aioi Motor and General Insurance Company of Europe Limited;
- Allianz Hungária Biztosító részvénytársaság;
- Arisa Assurances SA;
- Fomo Insurance;
- Generali Versicherung AG;
- Generali Belgium SA;
- HDI Direkt Versicherung AG, which has as an intermediary Fin Planet Spa;
- Insurance Company Euroins AD.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Post Dental Planing Painkiller

INPS contributions paid to the calculation of the pension certificate 803164 Request

Many people, before entering into a pension insurance contributions are used to find out about power and how to calculate their retirement in order to better decide which is the individual retirement plan that best suits their needs.

INPS in these days is faciendo prevent communications, which also contain our pin except the last character, related to the fact that to display the necessary information will be sufficient connect to the site and enter the details of our card fiscae / health.

If we were not then in possession of the tax code / health then we will call the number 803 164 and get there, follow the automated voice menu, under Location of Insurance.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lump After Cardiac Catherization

Relaunch of Generali Foundation Cesare Geronzi

Assicurazioni Generali decided to relaunch the Generali Foundation, chaired by Cesare Geronzi that, "although in strict compliance with compatibility 'budget", aims to play a "leading role institutions in the field of utility 'social and research, in response to corporate interest and general. "This was communicated by the company in Trieste.

" It 'was decided by the competent bodies - said the company - the revival of the Generali Foundation strengthening the support and provision for the promotion of initiatives in the activities' of social and welfare activities in the 'cultural and environmental ones. It 'been identified the scope of interventions in the education sector and it' was established the possibility 'of research support and economic and financial analysis. Foundation President and 'the President of the General Cesare Geronzi . The board of directors and 'so' compound: Cesare Geronzi (Chairman), Raffaele Agrusti, Sergio Balbinot , Giovanni Perissinotto , Attilio Invernizzi, Angelo De Mattia".

"E' stato istituito - prosegue il Leone - un autorevole comitato scientifico che avra' un ruolo centrale nel perseguimento degli scopi della Fondazione. Esso dovra' predisporre i programmi annuali di attivita' dell'ente, nonche' promuovere e dirigere tali iniziative. Il presidente Cesare Geronzi ha manifestato la determinazione perche' la Fondazione, pur nel rigoroso rispetto delle compatibilita' di bilancio, svolga un ruolo di primo piano nel campo degli enti di utilita' sociali e nella ricerca, rispondendo agli interessi aziendali e generali".


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cliff Keen Signature Headgear Shell

risk. How to apply

attestation risk is that document, issued by our company insurance attesting to our history of insurance casualties had in the last 5 years and distinct claims paid, claims to property and claims of persons.

In the absence of that document assurance we will assign the final category.

obblicagata The insurance company is to issue such a document as required by Italian Law Decree 45/81, Law 39/77 and Decree changes. 175/95 implementing Directive 92/49/EC.
The company must keep at its registered office the certificate of risk.
The customer is entitled to the issue of risk by the Company at least within three working days before the contract expires. For policies online company is obliged to provide for the forwarding of the certificate of the contractor always within three days before the contractual deadline.

In most cases the risk certificate is required at the termination of your insurance policy

here to request a facsimile of our certificate of risk

Sender / Client :___________________________ __________________________________


Dear ___________

Insurance Company Headquartered in mail ________________________________

Agenzia di ___________________



Con la presente, il sottoscritto ______________________

contraente della polizza numero _______________________

richiede che gli venga rilasciata copia dell'attestato di rischio relativo alla polizza stessa.

Richide che il duplicato venga inviato al

seguente indirizzo:





Luogo e data Signature

Swollen Or Tender Breasts Means?

ANIA ISVAP and what they are and what they do

L ' ANIA is the association of insurance companies operating in Italy. The Association has the main role in protecting the interests of the class in respect of any business or public administration. ANIA also provides for the regulation of labor relations, to carry out all appropriate action to spread the knowledge of insurance and the working methodology of the insurance industry in Italy.

L ' ISVAP , founded in 1982, is an independent authority with its own economic independence as well as management and works to ensure the stability of the insurance market and its businesses. ISVAP watches anche sulla trasparenza dei prodotti assicurativi.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Do Razor Bumps Bleed?

Rc car insurance companies focus on ghost

L’aumento vertiginoso dei costi dei premi delle polizze R.C.Auto tenta più di un automobilista a guardarsi intorno alla ricerca delle soluzioni più vantaggiose per risparmiare qualche soldino e non di rado sta capitando che, il consumatore, stimolato da alcune offerte allettanti, si rivolga inconsapevolmente a sigle non autorizzate dall’ISVAP, l’Istituto di Vigilanza delle assicurazioni private.

Infatti, nel solo 2010, sono state segnalate dall’ente ben nove compagnie “fantasma” che stipulavano sul territorio nazionale polizze evidentemente fasulle. Accade, peraltro, che sigle di compagnie operanti regolarmente in Italia e correttamente autorizzate, vengano distorte and the citizen have trouble, because in case of accident will be required to pay damages with their own money because the insurance policies are not valid.

John D'Agata, a component of the Department of National Theme "Consumer Protection" of IDV and founder of the "Door of Rights, therefore calls on all drivers and car owners to check on the website ISVAP the following link https : / / / Albi / Albi / defaultImprese.jsp? = books & view = viewSet companies the presence of the company with which you have chosen to take out their policy RCAuto into the register of companies regularly recorded to avoid surprises.
