Tuesday, August 12, 2008

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Adiantum will dismiss Istat shared custody

Roma – Fabio Nestola, Responsabile Nazionale Dati dell'Osservatorio, afferma che "ad growth rate of joint custody of the children are not too different from those measures undertaken with the old system. In too many courts shared custody is just a label to be glued to the previous policy, it just changes the words the children no more 'reliable' but 'placed' in a single parent who gets the award for the effect of the house marriage and the payment of a contribution to maintenance. Exactly the opposite of what the Legislature intended to reform. In essence, the statistical reflect a bright facade behind which lurks a real landscape still gray. Associations of parents who have encouraged and supported the reform, but also judges, lawyers, psychologists, educators and dozens of parliamentarians, converge on the need to update the legislation to date impoverished by a failure to apply demeaning. "We are far away," says Tiziana Arsenti, National Coordinator of the Centre, "from a practical application of shared in Italy. The real 'boom' we are seeing is related to the hundreds of measures, differing from the wording of Law 54, which our Centre is receiving from across the country, confirming that the data these days ISTAT doth hide a reality entirely different. The size of the problem today seem alarming. "Harder Daddy Separate Chairman of Palermo, which adds" a closer look its current application of the law, the mandate of Parliament has been betrayed by those who had to ensure its proper implementation. The joint custody has been emptied by the meaning that the Legislature had given, and the extreme arbitrariness with which the judiciary continues to apply the previous case is before the eyes of all. "" If today, "said Andrew Card, President Papa Separate Novara, "a parent should threaten to set themselves on fire in front of a court to obtain a hearing by the institutions that stubbornly deny its right to parenthood, it is clear that this state of things does not work. Judiciary and social services often are involved in a disproportionate manner commettendo errori sulla pelle dei bambini" Per Vittorio Apolloni, Presidente del Centro Documentazione Falsi Abusi su minori, «L'ISTAT non dà indicazioni sulla gran mole di false accuse che sempre di più accompagnano i procedimenti giudiziali di separazione. E' necessaria, invece, una radicale riforma del sistema dei servizi sociali e una revisione delle procedure di colloquio e perizia sui bambini vittime di presunti abusi. In 22.986 casi i genitori si accusano a vicenda, usando i figli come mezzo di rivalsa sull'altro. E la metà delle denunce di violenza sui bambini si rivela poi infondata, senza alcuna conseguenza sostanziale per l'accusatore". "Purtroppo", conclude Antonello De Leonardis, Presidente foggiano di Genitori Separati, " what is missing is that cultural change that the Legislature should be called for in the courts of Italy with the news law 54 of 2006. In these two years of neglect, however, thousands of children continued to suffer the violence of removal from the parent excluded, while the ISTAT claims to give people the illusion that everything has been resolved. It is painful to admit that the entry into force of Law 54, its practical application by the judiciary, separated by a period of time that still kills victims. "
source: http://www.casertanews.it/public/articoli/200808 / art_20080812064253.htm


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