Saturday, October 24, 2009

Buy Old Ghetto Blaster

unpunished violence against women and equal opportunities

want to complete, for the sake of information, the beautiful letter from Ms Oprandi, provincial councilor of the Democratic Party, with three interesting elements on the theme of violence against women and equal opportunities
1-pm The Carmen Pugliese (Prosecution of Bergamo), has recently reported the phenomenon of false allegations of abuse made in separate context, this second prosecutor now at least 80% of women with complaints against the spouses or partners are without foundation and are the only roots in the desire to reduce them to ruin, often instigated (not my words but the magistrate) and feminist anti-violence centers.
2-According to the prof. Fabio Canziani, (retired psychiatrist and three times president of the Italian association of neuropsychiatry) 70 to 95% of allegations of child abuse carried out in separate context are simply made up. The consequences (appraisals, parental deprivation, etc..) On children and parents are devastating. I know of several situations such as fathers, grandparents, grandmothers, aunts performed after 4-6-7 years of criminal trial for sexual abuse on children, without, however, the complainants have never had to pay something or that the children have never been closer to their parents and relatives unjustly accused. 3-
the European Community in 2004, took note of some data: for example, that the suicide of young fathers separate covered lives per year and 2000 amounted to 93% of the total compared to normal ... 70-75%, noted In many countries the percentage of children placed with the father was less than the percentage of mothers with severe psychiatric disorders (just like in Varese, and in some of our court was even zerovirglazeropercento: type the seat of Bolzano divorzile 2004). He observed che in alcuni Stati,tra cui l'Italia, la percentale di donne che chiedevano la separazione era aumentata dal 25% al 70 (e oggi 75)%, spostandosi parecchio dal fisiologico 50%. Concluse invitando gli Stati membri ad attuare politiche meno sperequative e sessualmente orientate.
4-Recentemente, in Toscana, ha suscitato scandalo un ufficio pari opportunità da cui, se a chiamare era un uomo, partiva il messaggio "Questo ufficio non fa per voi, rivolgetevi a qualcun altro". Dopo la segnalazione al Ministero (corredata di registrazione del colloquio), almeno, le operatrici si degnavano di indicare un ufficio competente.
Questo per ricordare che esistono tanti tipi di violenza e tanti tipi di impari opportunità.


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