Friday, November 12, 2010

Lump After Cardiac Catherization

Relaunch of Generali Foundation Cesare Geronzi

Assicurazioni Generali decided to relaunch the Generali Foundation, chaired by Cesare Geronzi that, "although in strict compliance with compatibility 'budget", aims to play a "leading role institutions in the field of utility 'social and research, in response to corporate interest and general. "This was communicated by the company in Trieste.

" It 'was decided by the competent bodies - said the company - the revival of the Generali Foundation strengthening the support and provision for the promotion of initiatives in the activities' of social and welfare activities in the 'cultural and environmental ones. It 'been identified the scope of interventions in the education sector and it' was established the possibility 'of research support and economic and financial analysis. Foundation President and 'the President of the General Cesare Geronzi . The board of directors and 'so' compound: Cesare Geronzi (Chairman), Raffaele Agrusti, Sergio Balbinot , Giovanni Perissinotto , Attilio Invernizzi, Angelo De Mattia".

"E' stato istituito - prosegue il Leone - un autorevole comitato scientifico che avra' un ruolo centrale nel perseguimento degli scopi della Fondazione. Esso dovra' predisporre i programmi annuali di attivita' dell'ente, nonche' promuovere e dirigere tali iniziative. Il presidente Cesare Geronzi ha manifestato la determinazione perche' la Fondazione, pur nel rigoroso rispetto delle compatibilita' di bilancio, svolga un ruolo di primo piano nel campo degli enti di utilita' sociali e nella ricerca, rispondendo agli interessi aziendali e generali".



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