shared custody of children from the
Appunti da convegno ADIANTUM di Varese del 25.10.2008.
Parziale rassegna stampa cliccando QUI.
Importante convegno nazionale ieri al Palazzo della Provincia di Varese organizzato da Audiatum che ha unito il mondo delle Associazioni (ADIANTUM, quello della politica (la sen. Baio Dossi e gli on. Lussana, Paniz -padre della legge 54 sull'affido condiviso - e Volontè), il mondo universitario (coi proff. Canziani, Mancinell e Rotoli), quello della magistratura (dr. De Filippis della Corte d'Appello di Salerno), della avvocatura (avv. Pini-presidente AIAF Lombardia e avv. Baroffio).
Presenti una formazione di personaggi chiave realmente interessati alla reale tutela dei minori in ambito separativo. Presente FITMinori.
Delegazioni di Mamme Separate, di Papà Separati Novara e Papà Separati Lombardia erano presenti a sostenere e condividere il loro interest in child protection.
for enrollment numerous and the number of operators involved have taken to fill the conference room of the Palace of the Province, another room in which were broadcast on two large screens interventions and also to bring new chairs in the conference room: all the seats were occupied.
Mr. Paniz first and foremost, the father of the Law 54/06 shared custody who explained in an excellent manner the law, proposed and developed in the early '90s, was adopted (not without difficulties and resistance), fifteen years later ... A law before being applied in its current form already in need of improvement. The non-application of the most important references emptied of its main arguments, do not follow the will of the legislature.
He spoke at length of sanctions exist in almost all cases, the 709 b in too many cases ignored. The commitment (including, but not limited to, economic) of a court action which would require such penalties in rare cases leads to an effective punishment which however turns out to be hugely inadequate. Intervention by the public at this point with a simile: if the prohibitions were rarely punished and stop in case of penalty you were facing a fine of € 0.10 will probably anyone would leave the machine in the place closer to his goal. The traffic system of a city will stop immediately and those responsible in the rare case of notification, would face a paltry outlay. In separations with minor children, we are not far from this similarity.
The situation expressed by the head of the Center on false documentation collection of data has led to abuses that left more than alarming and bewildered disbelief ... So we know that the effect is the safe removal of the alleged abusive parent and precautionary cessation of relationship with his son. At a time when it comes to archiving, with the notorious days of justice, the penalty for the parent who has defamed the condemned are often absent. The report denounced the parent-child is often irreparably damaged but the most obvious is that the only real victim is the child who will grow with this spectrum of violence that will mark probably for life.
is natural to think that there is a system that allows the real protection of the child.
can be shared appreciation of the intervention dr.Vittorio Vezzetti watching his video tutorial on Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) in the CD-ROM that was available to all participants or directly here: http
: / / and here
All these associations have developed centered on the child protection ... The real one, that is the basis of Law 54: the dual parenting ...
Given an increase in joint custody (which should be the rule does not apply only in cases of parent-injurious), unfortunately there are cultural roots that lead to the use of measures that distort parental equality: are perpetrated such concepts as "the placement of minor "in the law do not exist but which certainly show a parent in prevalence over the other. There is talk of rights of access by the parent without collocatario. Maintaining direct
clearly evoked by the law does not apply even to the economic aspect: this continues to be the child support that in too many cases does not take account of income, residence time, the situation is being considered separate, it ignores the fact that parents are two and parents alike.
The residence of the child shall be changed to sole intention of trampling on the will of a parent and delegitimization of fact from his parental role.
It is also reflected on the difference between the old joint custody (around 10%) and shared the award (formally applied in increasingly high percentage but still basically non-existent in almost totalitàdei cases of judicial separation). Another topic touched
is the difference in treatment children born in wedlock than those born to unmarried couples, one in ordinary court, the juvenile court to second.
E 'showed sympathy for the concept of gender. The difference in treatment of a parent over the other in the exclusive function of the sex of the parent concerned. I thought of Pirandello, "the law is interpreted to apply to friends and enemies." Given the kind of sympathy emerged that characterizes the separate domains that would explain many situations far removed from the will of the legislature, the Constitution, the logic and above all the real protection of the child.
The slowness of the judicial system creates injustice.
A brief overview of some Exhibition showing at the conference yesterday:
Senator Baio Dossi urged to see the glass half full since the route began with the approval of Law 54. He noted however that even if there is an increase of joint custody, law enforcement is formal, not substantive. We must begin by natural law: the current application does not meet practice. The judgments are distorting the law, and pervert the very principle of law (both parents)
Dario Galli, President of the Province of Varese, which hosted the event, while not entering the debate, given the huge presence of references sector, said the phenomenon of separation is there for all to see.
Dr. Luca Maranzana, president of Figlipersempre presented the direction taken by Audiatum in protecting children.
Ernesto Emanuele (National President of Christian families separated) spoke bluntly of 'Bulgarian application of the law "continuing violation of Article .30 of the Constitution, a system that does not train and a backward culture. The Culture of the Great Mother can not exist today. The criticism of the law which introduced / invented the concept of placement of the child (which does not appear in the law) for the sole purpose of putting the parents on two different levels (once again denying the obvious intention of the legislature) ha trovato totale consenso.
Il genitore assenteista va punito, il genitore che accusa falsamente l'ex partner di abusi su minori va privato della potestà. Se un genitore si trasferisce il figlio rimane dove è.
I fatti di sangue, di droga, di alienazione che caratterizzano questi anni sono nella quasi totalità conseguenza diretta di questa getione delle separazioni.
Rosy Genduso (Presidente A.M.S) ha fatto un bell'intervento illustrando la situazione con numerose slides. Ha parlato della necessità di affrontare il problema separativo dal punto di vista del minore, di metterlo in primo piano. Un accenno all'abitudine troppo diffusa degli avvocati di spingere una certa conflittualità e perdere di vista il vero obiettivo separations: minimize the impact on those faults do not have: their children. The commitment of Separate Moms, the Cooperative Star Mothers was founded on the initiative of and adherence to Separate Onlus Adianutm certainly have brought honor to his speech.
Bruno De Filippis (Judge, Court of Appeal Board) spoke about the growing share of foster care application. He spoke about the difficulties we have to do pass the law, spoke explicitly of a boycott of the Law 54, and heavy cultural resistance.
709ter He said the law is ignored as the entire 54 issue of sanctions. The mediation indicated by the law is ignored.
The law has been emptied and also altered according to him, then.
Excellent and incisive intervention Salvatore Garofalo (Dad Separate and Head of Legislative Adiatum) "The Shared ca. Towards the completion of the reform" which pointed out significant shortcomings in the current application of the law. The climax of his presentation is extremely rich and conivolgente was when it was explained that, from a practical point of view, there seems to be greater attention to the animals for slaughter (rightly protected) that children in separation.
Very important signal sent dll'on. Paniz to all stakeholders: the 'shared custody "is not the' joint custody."
The shared custody was a possibility given by the old law in case of an agreement and desire of both parents.
The shared custody should always be given, except for the presence of a parent with injurious important reasons.
The presence of separated mothers (represented by the association of Rosy Genduso) and separated fathers (many of these associations) with the overall approach to the separation as a function of the child suggests that the gender conflict does not exist, it's just a feature sets that all refuse and suffer the same time. Who escapes the protection of the child should be penalized in any case. Whether it's Mom or Dad, or the system itself that does not protect the child.
E 'can now subscribe to the group
" Adiantum, Ass of the National Association for the Protection of Minors "
on Facebook
Here is the full program of yesterday
Programme of the morning hours
8:45 Welcome and registration 9:00 am PARTICIPANTS
Dario Galli (President of the Province of Varese)
Christi an Campiotti (Provincial Councillor
to Politi and social)
errez Lucas Maria Guti (Direct Social hour of ASL
province of Varese)
Introduction to the work
Maranzana Luca (President of the Association for Children
Always / Adiantum)
ore 9:30 Ernesto Emanuele (Presidente Nazionale
Associazione Famiglie Separate Cristi ane)
“La Legge 54/06 sull’affi damento condiviso:
sua applicazione e nuove proposte”
ore 9:50 Bruno De Filippis (Magistrato, Consigliere di
Corte di Appello)
“Proposte operati ve per una separazione mite.
Il ruolo fondamentale della Mediazione Familiare”
ore 10:10 Milena Pini (Presidente AIAF Lombardia)
“Affi damento condiviso e confl itt ualità tra
genitori: strumenti e soluzioni in sede giudiziaria.
La CTU e l’invio in mediazione familiare”
ore 10:30 Valeria Ajovalasit (Presidente Nazionale Arcidonna)
"asymmetry between men and women in the family loads
: redesigning tasks and roles"
10:50 hours or Baroff Henry (Lawyer Counsel
children forever)
"The cost of the civil institutions and less
Associations: the innovative Varese is experience "
11:10 Vitt orio Vezzetti (pediatrician - children for
Always / Adiantum)
" The Parental Alienation Syndrome PAS):
need for a prediction rule must be "
Sen . Emanuela Baio Dossi - Mr Luke Williams Mario Paniz
Hon - Hon Carolina Lussana
13:00 on pause in the work - BUFFET
afternoon program:
Resumption of work at 14:30
Rosy Genduso (AMS President / Adiantum)
"Mothers Separated and protection of both parents.
The reasons for choosing "
14:50 hours Salvatore Garofalo (ANPS / Adiantum -
legisla Head Offi ce vo)
" The Shared ca. Towards the completion of the reform
at 15:10 Fabio Canziani (Neuropsychiatrist the Infants -
University of Palermo)
" Abuse and misuse in the false separation "
15:40 Paolo Piccinelli (Head of the UO Neuropsychiatry
Infants Hospital Del Ponte , Varese)
"The bonds of att accamento reports
parents - and the reports of the fi Couple "16:10 hours
Elena Sartorio (Psychologist and Provincial Councillor
Carlo Marchi (Forensic Psychologist)
" Children and preadolescents of split pairs:
an epidemiological study in the province of Varese
at 16:30 Maria Rosa Mancinelli (Psychologist processes
Guidance, University Catt folic Milan)
"The disruption in the adolescent separation"
James Rolls 16:50 hours (University of L'Aquila)
"Drawing on the family plan: home, time, maintenance
17:15 hours COMPLETION
CHAIRMAN: Giorgio Bellotti
Professor of Clinical Psychology, University
of Insubria
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