Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nc Umemployment Forgot To File Weekly Claim

Sons disputed. Also by the International Child Abduction

growing phenomenon. originally the purpose of marriage and religious reasons

266 Italian children abducted by a foreign parent. In Europe, 6 in 10 cases. International agreements violated

Filomena Perri, used the post office in Milan, went to Cairo to recover the small Egyptian Omar that her husband had taken away per «farlo crescere come un vero musulmano». Un'infermiera, anche lei di Milano, invece, ha lottato quattro anni per riavere suo figlio, sottratto dal padre egiziano che l'aveva portato dai genitori nel suo Paese e poi era tornato in Italia a lavorare. Un artigiano di Treviso, s'è «mangiato» la casa e i risparmi per riportare a casa le due figlie avute da una giapponese. E c'era pure riuscito, ma la donna una volta rientrata con le bimbe in Italia ha ottenuto l'affido congiunto e, quasi subito, è partita di nuovo per il Giappone. Fabrizio Infante, pilota dell'Alitalia, sta combattendo un'estenuante battaglia con la madre di sua figlia Angela, che s'è portata la bambina in Danimarca , s'è risposata three times, Italian courts have found that little has been involved in a history of abuse made by her second husband, and in spite of several judgments and personal letters sent by the Italian foreign minister in the Danish sector, local authorities prevent it for years to see the child, to know how he is.

There are many stories like these, stories that Italian fathers or mothers, fathers more often if the mother is European or American, most often mothers if the father is Muslim, have when you see the love story children stolen, kidnapped, forced to change their country, to leave school, friends and relatives. Stories all the same and all different, dramatic stories where the right International is crushed and applies the law of the jungle. Or the smartest. But where the victims are always children. It's called 'International Child Abduction, "but it is a real kidnapping, even if done by a father or a mother. The cases dealt with by the Italian Foreign Ministry is increasing: in 1998 there were 89 in 2007 rose to 216 this year jumped to 266. Most concerns an Italian parent, usually the father, mother and a European. It is Europe, in fact, that the highest number of children competed with 59 percent of the total in 2007.

This means that conflicts between parents, said Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, do not occur only per «marcate differenze di origine culturale o religiosa, ma sempre più all'interno di coppie miste europee». I matrimoni misti, del resto (dati Istat), sono in continuo aumento. Quasi il 9 per cento di tutti i matrimoni, con circa 30 mila celebrazioni l'anno. Sono molto più numerose, poi, le nozze tra uomini italiani e donne straniere (7 su 100 del totale dei matrimoni) e questo spiega anche perché la stragrande maggioranza dei bambini contesi (70 per cento) è figlio di un papà italiano e di una mamma straniera, soprattutto europea, talvolta americana o latinoamericana. Solo il 30 per cento ha il papà straniero, quasi sempre di religione musulmana. La Convenzione dell'Aja del 1980, che stabilisce il rientro del child in the country of residence is the only weak legal instrument to help parents see that you removed a child to obtain its return. Its membership comprises more than 80 countries. For Europe, however, there is something more: the Convention is accompanied by the so-called Brussels 2a, that the same Frattini has helped to push through when he was vice president of the European Commission. Its adherents, from March 1, 2005, all EU states except Denmark . Despite this, the happy ending in many cases is just a dream and if it is true, Frattini continued, that "in 2007 we were able to successfully resolve more than 40 cases for 2008 and we hope to overcome this issue," is also true that "there are still some resistance from various countries at different levels.

happens, for example, that the court asked the country where the child was led not merely to execute the return, but decides to evaluate the case. It also happens that although the magistrate has ordered the return, then this is not done by the police, sometimes because of local connivance. " To help parents who see the child disappear abroad, the ministry has prepared a guide, "Contested children: a guide for parents." "In the face of a child abduction is necessary to act in a timely manner - says the minister - and immediately notify law enforcement authorities and Foreign Affairs to enable us to immediately alert our consular authorities. Often, the most complex situations are those that were committed in the early stages of imprudence. "

nearly ten years that Paul Pozza, president of the stolen children, fights to regain her two daughters who were brought to Poland by his mother. But children taken away is not the only association that lends a hand in these cases. There are also separate fathers, sons denied, we find the children and other associations. All contactable on the internet. "In 2004, together with other parents we have established this association because nobody will listen to her alone - says Pozza - while now we even managed to present a bill for the abolition of Article 574 of the Criminal Code on abduction of a person incapable, that is what is applied in the case of international child abduction, but it's too bland, even in the penis. Instead, we want to replace it with the 605 which concerns the kidnapping of a child with the aggravating circumstance of relationship. "

Not everyone agrees to follow this path and still to this day this bill was never debated in Parliament, but many believe that the abduction is not incapable case suitable for those who deprives a child to the father or mother and that we need a specific offense. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is doing possibile per rendere più efficaci gli strumenti già in possesso. «Sto creando con i colleghi di Giustizia e Interni — dice Frattini — una task force in modo che l'azione tempestiva e coordinata tra gli organismi competenti permetta di arrivare a una soluzione del caso. Che poi corrisponde al rimpatrio del minore».

Mariolina Iossa
Fonte: Corriere della Sera 05 novembre 2008

Licença Mx Kollection 3.6.5

: manual of the Ministry of Foreign

paternità maternità figli minori adozioneL’apertura delle frontiere e la maggiore facilità di movimento hanno portato con sè un aumento generalizzato delle coppie miste, formate da genitori di diversa nazionalità, religione, costumi. Il problema della sottrazione internazionale di minori è sempre più quindi di scottante attualità:
assistiamo purtroppo al moltiplicarsi di casi in cui i minori si trovano contesi tra genitori di diversa nazionalità, con i problemi giuridico/pratici che questa cosa comporta, visto che le legislazioni in merito dei diversi paesi possono essere anche molto discordanti.
Recentemente il Ministero degli Esteri ha pubblicato un manuale di aiuto e prevenzione inteso a limitare questo fenomeno e indirizzato a genitori e operatori. Vi rimandiamo alla guida completa (oltre 100 pagine) per un approfondimento ( ma ne riassumiamo qui di seguito i punti base.

Cosa è la sottrazione internazionale di minori?
The term "child abduction" refers to the situation where a child:
- is illegally conducted abroad by a parent who does not exercise the exclusive authority, without authorization;
- is not attributed to the country of habitual residence after a stay abroad.

This usually happens when, for fear of not getting sole custody in the State of residence, a parent withdraws his son and takes him to their country of origin or elsewhere, uprooting it from its context in social, academic and geographically, thereby preventing, therefore, the attendance the other parent.
not only the removal of a minor without the child of one of the parental figures, which is in itself already a serious and destabilizing for the child, but also involves the complete separation from the context in which the child was engaged and that was not only his " habitual residence "but his only place of life.

The real problem that prevents a simple and immediate solution of these cases is that there are no international harmonization of legislation on this subject, may come to pose challenges judicial opposite: the child, a parent in Italy and in foreign country another.
In 2005 he entered into force the International Regulations Europe seeks to overcome these contradictions, but is valid only between European countries signatories (except then Denmark). This is called Brussels II bis Regulation and establishing a common European approach to family law, also recognizing the validity of judgments of custody of children in all EU Member States. The aim is to standardize the legislation and avoid possible cases of conflict of case law that, fueling disputes between parents do no more than threaten the peaceful development of child psychology.

But let's degrees.
Internationally there are various legal instruments - unfortunately not ratified by all gli stati - che consentono al genitore “vittima” della sottrazione di trovare (o quantomeno tentare) una soluzione all’illecito trasferimento del figlio.

1) Convenzione Europea di Lussemburgo del 20.05.1980 sul riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle decisioni in materia di affidamento di minori e sul ristabilimento dell’affidamento.
La Convenzione è fondata sul presupposto della esistenza di un provvedimento di affidamento del minore nello Stato in cui esso risiede al momento della sottrazione ed è applicabile quindi solo a queste condizioni.

2) La Convenzione dell’Aja del 25.10.1980 alla quale aderiscono circa ottanta Paesi.
Tale Convenzione si pone l’obiettivo primario to allow the return of the child in the state of habitual residence. At present, the Convention is the only binding legal instrument which is used by countries outside the European Union, but often does not provide adequate guarantees for the repatriation of minors because of the tendency of the courts of the States Parties to give precedence to the citizen's rights with respect to the request for repatriation of the foreign parent.

3) United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in New York by the General Assembly, 20.11.1989
. The UN Convention is the most comprehensive international instrument on the promotion and protection of child rights. Among these rights, it should be noted il diritto del fanciullo a preservare la propria identità, ivi compresa la sua nazionalità, il suo nome e le sue relazioni familiari (art.8), ad intrattenere rapporti personali e diretti con entrambi i genitori (art. 9 e 10). Stabilisce il principio secondo il quale l’interesse superiore del bambino deve essere la considerazione preminente in tutte le decisioni che lo riguardano. La Convenzione obbliga gli Stati ad attuare tutti i provvedimenti necessari per assistere i genitori e le istituzioni nell’adempimento dei loro doveri nei confronti dei minori, stabiliti dalla Convenzione stessa.

4) Convenzione europea di Strasburgo del 25.01.1996 sull’esercizio dei diritti del
fanciullo. La Convenzione promuove alcuni diritti the child through the recognition of procedural rights that the child relates.

5) Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of the European Union of 11.27.2003 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial
and matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) n.1347/2000 (This regulation is binding on all EU countries except Denmark , which has not signed).
In the case of child abduction Regulation establishes the enforceability of automatic decisions issued by the court in the country of habitual residence, which was the application for the return of the child.
The measure of return of the child must be issued within six weeks of the request.
not require any declaration of enforceability of the decision authority of a member state regarding the right of access to the child, nor can you oppose the recognition of that right arising from a standard certificate.
Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 has incorporated the procedure under the Hague Convention.
In particular: •
between EU member states, is considered competent court of the country where the child resided before being
• Enforcement was created in European law di visita e di ritorno del minore.

Lo strumento internazionale più completo ed efficace risulta senza dubbio essere l'ultimo in ordine di tempo, il Regolamento dell'Unione Europea chiamato anche Bruxelles II bis, ma è valido solo in caso di disputa tra cittadini europei. In presenza di contrasti tra un genitore italiano e uno extraeuropeo lo strumento principe per cercare di dirimere la matassa giuridico-legislativa risulta essere senz'altro la Convenzione dell'Aja, che vincola un gran numero di paesi sparsi in tutto il mondo: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belarus, Belgio, Belize, Bosnia Erzegovina, Brasile, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Canada, Cile, Cina (solo per le regioni autonome di Hong Kong e Macao), Cipro, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croazia, Danimarca , Ecuador, El Salvador,
Estonia, Fiji, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, Irlanda, Islanda, Israele, Lituania, Lettonia, Lussemburgo, Macedonia, Malta, Mauritius, Messico, Nicaragua, Norvegia, Nuova Zelanda, Paesi Bassi, Panama, Paraguay, Perù, Polonia, Portogallo, Principato di Monaco, Regno Unito, Repubblica Ceca, Repubblica Dominicana, Repubblica di Moldova, Repubblica di San Marino, Romania, Saint Kitts e Nevis, Serbia e Montenegro, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Spagna, Stati Uniti, Sud Africa, Svezia, Svizzera, Sri Lanka, Thailandia, Trinidad e Tobago, Turchia, Turkmenistan, Ucraina, Hungary, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zimbabwe

The application of the Hague Convention and / or the Rules, however, even if implemented in a timely manner does not always lead to the immediate return of the child.
As already mentioned the cases of abduction highlights the create, over time, as opposed to legal situations: the child, a parent in Italy and in the foreign country to another.
particular importance in this respect the advice that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs bestows in the case of child abduction took place: •
promptly file a complaint with the police
• advise the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Directorate General for Italians Abroad to be triggered by the competent diplomatic-consular
• contact the Central Authority if the country of destination alleged adheres to the Hague Convention of 25.10.1980 and is the recipient of the Regulation (EC) n . 2201/2003,
• enforce the right of access if you do not have a provision that gives custody of the child.

Ministry, speaking to parents of mixed couples, also seeks to prevent the occurrence of child abduction abroad with a few caveats: •
informed of the provisions on custody and visitation rights in force in the state of belonging

• to recognize the other parent, if possible, in the State of affiliation of the other parent, any order for custody of the child in his favor
• try to avoid that the child is traveling on the passport of the non-custodial parent
• if for some reason the child is to go abroad, the other parent to sign an undertaking to return to Italy on the date set
• if you are already in the process for legal separation, ask the competent judge in that measure is clearly indicated the travel prohibition of miniore, without the consent of
• ensure that the prohibition expatriation is registered in the lists of border
• if you have not initiated any proceedings for the custody of the child, request the issuance of a specific provision prohibiting foreign travel of the child without the explicit consent of the other
• ensure, on the occasion of the exercise of rights of access granted to non-custodial parent, so that the same can not restrain the child with them illegally over the period.
The main advice that the Ministry would you give to prevent this phenomenon, however, is always trying to focus on any action the welfare and interest of the child, the first victim of this abuse.


Monday, November 3, 2008

How To Make Motorbike Birthday Cake

Bullying in the Family

of Mr. Jerome Aliberti

http://www.vivicorato .com / News / dettaglio_recensioni.aspx? rbval n6ZNrZuqCA8 =% 3D

We are accustomed to hearing about bullying in the workplace, where it is defined as a set of behaviors (psychological abuse, bullying, harassment, demotion and marginalization , humiliation, slander, ostracized, etc..) perpetrated by superiors and / or colleagues in respect of an employee, long-standing and offensive to personal dignity and professional and the mental and physical health of the same. Individual attitudes annoying (or emulators) do not necessarily reach the threshold of the offense nor be in itself unlawful, but on the whole produce serious injury, with consequences for the victim's wealth, his health, his life. This practice is often conducted with the intention of inducing the victim to leave the work itself, so without resorting to dismissal or retaliation as a result of behaviors that are not shared (for example, allegations of irregularities to superiors or outside the place of work), or the refusal of the victim to submit proposals or requests immoral (sexual, to run operations in breach of the prohibitions conduct or ethics, etc.). or illegal.

Less common in the common understanding, but very present, however, society is, the mobbing family to be understood as the totality of the acts and omissions of a spouse to the other, characterized by persecutory or hateful intent and purpose the systematic destruction of the personality of others. These acts, if taken individually, do not necessarily take the size of the irregularity. But taken together have a detrimental cause injury and limit the freedom of self-determination of the spouse. When we talk about bullying, then, we must go beyond physical violence (which itself incorporates the character of the illicit) to encompass all those acts of psychological and emotional, that is, those in the most overt acts that create anxiety and distress, and in the most subtle (and therefore more dangerous because they are not easily recognizable and demonstrable outside) create a kind of helplessness and constriction, leading the victim to a real isolation. Unfortunately, these behaviors, which are undoubtedly a source of existential damage, not easily find the proper sanction, being sometimes even classified as illegal acts or it is not easy to prove the intent (intent) of the behavior of those who fulfilled.

As mentioned, the family bullying can manifest in different forms, from psychological violence that takes the form of threats, insults, humiliations and constant depreciation of the value, and contribute to economic violence which is to deprive the other spouse the freedom to have an economic independence to the point to depend their existence by the other partner, and these acts, as you might guess, are often perpetrated by the husband to his wife, which prevents her from working and therefore have its own source of income or obsessively check all costs incurred by his wife . Another way in which bullying occurs is stalking, which is a set of attitudes held by the husband pursued his wife through an obsessive remote control, with constant phone calls, letters, SMS, e-mail, stalking that generate anxiety and fear, which can come to affect the normal course of daily life.

mobbing behavior in the context of marital conflict can be addressed also to the detriment of children. Bullying is the set of parental behavior, including failure to act, which violates the obligations laid down in Articles 147 and 155 Civil Code. These behaviors can be recognized more often when the couple goes into crisis and leads to separation. Not surprisingly, many authors speak of "infantile" the couple in the process of separation "to describe their attitudes unreasonable that many parents take the aim of damaging the other spouse, without realizing exploit their children for this purpose, causing considerable damage to their psychological level (separated parent syndrome). Therefore, these behaviors fall into the breaches of the obligations of care, education, education, the systematic violation of the obligations of his visit, do not contribute to the maintenance of children, undermine the relationship of the child with their spouse. Through these acts violate the parents the child's right to maintain a balanced and continuous contact with both parents, as established by L.54/2006. Also present at the misconduct of a parent to the other, (as being present during quarrels or assist in physical and psychological violence), to endure the constant denigration and de-legitimization of a parent by the other is a behavior mobbing (mobbing parental mediated).

All of these acts, however, are difficult to form a penalty, because they are often regarded as an expression of conflict during separation of the spouses.

What, then, the real forms of protection? And above all they are really effective? The criminal protection under Article 572 Criminal Code. (Abuse in the family) leads to difficulties in proving the intent (intent) of the acts mobbing, besides the fact that the penalties are low and a prison edital deprive the children of a parent figure. Protection orders against family abuse art. 342 Civil Code. could be considered as an anticipation of the effects of separation, with the result that the system may be sent back to this.

Just request to charge separation is another form of protection, but does not sanction all acts of mobbing which has been subjected. The only form of protection seems to be more effective for the compensation (Article 2043 Civil Code.) But in this case, again, the problems of mobbing behavior test, proof of damages, and the actual payment of the compensation . The new law on custody shared infine, ha introdotto l’art 709-ter Cod. Proc. Civ., ma anche qui si ripropongono le sesse difficoltà che si trovavano con i rimedi ordinari.

Siamo di fronte all’ennesima debolezza del nostro sistema legislativo a cui, solo qualche sentenza innovativa della magistratura riesce a porre un rimedio che però non è del tutto soddisfacente