Sons disputed. Also by the International Child Abduction
growing phenomenon. originally the purpose of marriage and religious reasons
266 Italian children abducted by a foreign parent. In Europe, 6 in 10 cases. International agreements violated
Filomena Perri, used the post office in Milan, went to Cairo to recover the small Egyptian Omar that her husband had taken away per «farlo crescere come un vero musulmano». Un'infermiera, anche lei di Milano, invece, ha lottato quattro anni per riavere suo figlio, sottratto dal padre egiziano che l'aveva portato dai genitori nel suo Paese e poi era tornato in Italia a lavorare. Un artigiano di Treviso, s'è «mangiato» la casa e i risparmi per riportare a casa le due figlie avute da una giapponese. E c'era pure riuscito, ma la donna una volta rientrata con le bimbe in Italia ha ottenuto l'affido congiunto e, quasi subito, è partita di nuovo per il Giappone. Fabrizio Infante, pilota dell'Alitalia, sta combattendo un'estenuante battaglia con la madre di sua figlia Angela, che s'è portata la bambina in Danimarca , s'è risposata three times, Italian courts have found that little has been involved in a history of abuse made by her second husband, and in spite of several judgments and personal letters sent by the Italian foreign minister in the Danish sector, local authorities prevent it for years to see the child, to know how he is.
There are many stories like these, stories that Italian fathers or mothers, fathers more often if the mother is European or American, most often mothers if the father is Muslim, have when you see the love story children stolen, kidnapped, forced to change their country, to leave school, friends and relatives. Stories all the same and all different, dramatic stories where the right International is crushed and applies the law of the jungle. Or the smartest. But where the victims are always children. It's called 'International Child Abduction, "but it is a real kidnapping, even if done by a father or a mother. The cases dealt with by the Italian Foreign Ministry is increasing: in 1998 there were 89 in 2007 rose to 216 this year jumped to 266. Most concerns an Italian parent, usually the father, mother and a European. It is Europe, in fact, that the highest number of children competed with 59 percent of the total in 2007.
This means that conflicts between parents, said Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, do not occur only per «marcate differenze di origine culturale o religiosa, ma sempre più all'interno di coppie miste europee». I matrimoni misti, del resto (dati Istat), sono in continuo aumento. Quasi il 9 per cento di tutti i matrimoni, con circa 30 mila celebrazioni l'anno. Sono molto più numerose, poi, le nozze tra uomini italiani e donne straniere (7 su 100 del totale dei matrimoni) e questo spiega anche perché la stragrande maggioranza dei bambini contesi (70 per cento) è figlio di un papà italiano e di una mamma straniera, soprattutto europea, talvolta americana o latinoamericana. Solo il 30 per cento ha il papà straniero, quasi sempre di religione musulmana. La Convenzione dell'Aja del 1980, che stabilisce il rientro del child in the country of residence is the only weak legal instrument to help parents see that you removed a child to obtain its return. Its membership comprises more than 80 countries. For Europe, however, there is something more: the Convention is accompanied by the so-called Brussels 2a, that the same Frattini has helped to push through when he was vice president of the European Commission. Its adherents, from March 1, 2005, all EU states except Denmark . Despite this, the happy ending in many cases is just a dream and if it is true, Frattini continued, that "in 2007 we were able to successfully resolve more than 40 cases for 2008 and we hope to overcome this issue," is also true that "there are still some resistance from various countries at different levels.
happens, for example, that the court asked the country where the child was led not merely to execute the return, but decides to evaluate the case. It also happens that although the magistrate has ordered the return, then this is not done by the police, sometimes because of local connivance. " To help parents who see the child disappear abroad, the ministry has prepared a guide, "Contested children: a guide for parents." "In the face of a child abduction is necessary to act in a timely manner - says the minister - and immediately notify law enforcement authorities and Foreign Affairs to enable us to immediately alert our consular authorities. Often, the most complex situations are those that were committed in the early stages of imprudence. "
nearly ten years that Paul Pozza, president of the stolen children, fights to regain her two daughters who were brought to Poland by his mother. But children taken away is not the only association that lends a hand in these cases. There are also separate fathers, sons denied, we find the children and other associations. All contactable on the internet. "In 2004, together with other parents we have established this association because nobody will listen to her alone - says Pozza - while now we even managed to present a bill for the abolition of Article 574 of the Criminal Code on abduction of a person incapable, that is what is applied in the case of international child abduction, but it's too bland, even in the penis. Instead, we want to replace it with the 605 which concerns the kidnapping of a child with the aggravating circumstance of relationship. "
Not everyone agrees to follow this path and still to this day this bill was never debated in Parliament, but many believe that the abduction is not incapable case suitable for those who deprives a child to the father or mother and that we need a specific offense. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is doing possibile per rendere più efficaci gli strumenti già in possesso. «Sto creando con i colleghi di Giustizia e Interni — dice Frattini — una task force in modo che l'azione tempestiva e coordinata tra gli organismi competenti permetta di arrivare a una soluzione del caso. Che poi corrisponde al rimpatrio del minore».
Mariolina Iossa
Fonte: Corriere della Sera 05 novembre 2008
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