Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ls Models What Happened

SYSTEM AGAINST NATIONALS - Shared custody be ignored.

5 Febbraio 2009
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- l'affidamento condiviso inapplicato.

Premetto che quanto andrò ad esporre è uno sfogo in quanto la vicenda
occurred and which refer offends my personal sensibilities than
that intelligence, but we can not say that it is an oversight of the court
because this court is "systematically" so I have at least three other cases
just me and other judges approach to this system
although less dramatically.

We're coming to the families for conscription
judicial decree, we are creating the children forced to live as a judge wants
: the faded copy of the "sons of the Republic"
ancient Rome, but at least those were orphans. I thought that
custody to both parents does not result in a
custody to the court.


authorizing and encouraging DISCLOSURE OF THIS LETTER.


Fabio became a father at the age of 27 years of little Flora, born from the marriage to Samantha
. The couple is separated (the wife confesses
a betrayal and then asks the separation). Fabio has 29 years, the small
18 months. Fabio stunned by the whole thing in signing a consensual separation
still prevailed when the previous legislation. The
child is entrusted to the mother, the father can keep working with him one day
(this was the desire of the mother). Why did not experience separation
sic! Because weakly supported, intimorito
dal solito argomento della tenera età della bambina e dal “potere”
materno Fabio firma.

Fabio poi prende mano mano coscienza, vede e constata personalmente la
sostanza di un rapporto padre-figlio e della funzione di genitore,
comincia a cercare di realizzare anche nella quotidianità quello
spazio di rapporto che gli consenta di “fare” il padre. Comincia la
risalita difficile ed osteggiata dalla madre.

Fa una richiesta di modifica delle condizioni di separazione al
Tribunale di Firenze, perché ogni strumento di dialogo o di mediazione
con la madre non sortiva risultati.

Il Tribunale di Firenze con decreto del 2007 decide che la bambina
riceva cura diretta dal padre stando presso di lui i finesettimana
alternati dal sabato alla domenica sera ed il mercoledì con
pernottamento fino al giovedì con riaccompagnamento a scuola.

Questo mercoledì diventa quindi il giorno costante e fisso di ogni
settimana, l’incontro con il padre anche nei giorni di scuola, l’unico
giorno di accompagnamento a scuola, l’unico giorno in cui le maestre i
compagni vedono all’ingresso il babbo di Flora.

Maturano i tempi per il divorzio, Fabio ripropone alla madre una
ulteriore progressione nella condivisione dei tempi di cura della
figlia, basta che quel mercoledì non finisca
the morning of Thursday but that Friday to make a full
share, or that the 24-hour days and twelve are two
and therefore Flora can sleep from his father also another day in the afternoon continuation
. But the mother does not accept, Fabio has
the action for divorce and asks

- - -

calls "The Age of Flora, a natural extension of the areas of care,
that, over time will go to cover more and more
spheres of education and training and make
indispensable extension of actual time and attendance
intervention of his father. The present time are small and fragmented
in relation to the continuity of certain operations. [..]

concludes that the hearing is fixed for the personal appearance of the spouses
innazi the President and that the Court:

ordering its winding up of the marriage contract in writing between the n ° xxx
register marriages of the town of Florence . You state
daughter entrusted to both parents. Place
that the child clothes:
- an alternate weekends with his father with a mother,
including the nights of Friday, Saturday and Sunday
- the two weekdays each week with his father two
with his mother, staying overnight
- half Christmas and New Year and Easter and summer holidays
half in each of the two solutions with
parents - the expenses are borne directly by each parent,
possibly with identification of areas, and of course for each
subsistence expenses , and consumption in relation to the ordinary day stay

[..] "
- - -

The mother is in question and calls the child with his father's stay
remains that set out in its ruling of 2007, with the
including Wednesday night and weekends

The President shall summon the parties to hear personally from the floor briefly
lawyers, will decide.
Wednesday morning last week comes to studies of
lawyers by the registrars by fax a copy of the order establishing the President

The night of Wednesday 'is gone, the weekends are
the first and third, not mutually exclusive; and begin on Friday afternoon there is a
second week.
Fabio became the father of the gardens and visits, not
never accompanies her daughter to school and still learn from the decision of the lawyer
phone call while in the car with the girl
on Wednesday afternoon, and strictly speaking he is told that must take back
daughter within 20
because the decision is immediately enforceable.

It does not, nothing happens, maybe the mother was not informed, the mother tries
approach to mediation but the mother does not accept
claiming that the court had decided for the sake of his daughter;
the following Wednesday January 28 while the girl was already asleep as usual
father's house to get the police come asking
the child, the suspicious father to comply with measures
returning it to his mother as required by the court decision.
Fabio refuses, warn the user that is making a crime, he takes responsibility
it go away, who knows maybe torneranno
mercoledì prossimo.

Fabio ha proposto reclamo alla Corte d’Appello, deve essere fissata

Che sistema è quello che impone da sentenza di Tribunale fino al
giorno 21 che una figlia il mercoledì notte dorma col padre ed una
settimana dopo, senza che sia accaduto niente nel frattempo e senza
che neppure lo avesse chiesto la madre, una settimana dopo impone che
la figlia NON dorma col padre il mercoledì notte.

Che sistema è quello in cui i giudici devono decidere queste cose e
che dovendole decidere decidono di fare di testa loro come se i figli
fossero propri e senza considerare minimamente in quale contesto di
laborious and delicate balance that falls on their decision.

That system is one in which if a judge is wrong with the same rapidity
do not fix it.

That system is one in which police should be armed at nine o'clock
at home instead of an honest citizen to convene in an office.

That system is one in which crime is Wednesday, January 28
do that on Wednesday 21 was obliged to do.

THIS 'A SYSTEM THAT crazy citizens, and to accustom the

This is a system subversive of law and order.




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