Who cileccca pay enough in court with judges
Mario Giordano s'impera-wrong. And who misses more than rule. That must be why the judges command to Italy? Since yesterday, the Director of "Free" launched to collect signatures to put a stop to impunity for judges, our mailboxes are crowded bus at rush hour. "I was a boy when scrutinai cards of the referendum on the accountability of judges ...", writes Professor Gaetano Zilio Grandi of Venice with a vague tone" where were we? "" Tell us how to collect the signatures, we urge the managers of the "Figlipersempre" that deal with adoptions of children ("If you only knew how unprepared we meet the judiciary ...");" Down with this untouchable caste ", has condemned a group of readers who have already started the collection on its own. And many individual subscriptions, messages of encouragement, personal stories. Like that of Olga, 75, of Rome, who calls himself "a victim of justice." "The thieves have robbed me, the judges have despised me," he writes. "I rely on you ..." The Director
Belpietro quoted yesterday in his fine book publishing Livadiotti Stefano, sent the 'Espresso', Journal of De Benedetti, Berlusconi be suspected of not properly. I have reread it a couple of hours. There is everything. To celebrate a civil trial, to begin with, in Italy it takes more time than it takes in Gabon or Sao Tome and Principe. We had better only of Congo: great consolation. In Sicily, think, a cause for some land was closed after 192 years: it was begun at the time of the Congress of Vienna, ended today. And in Rome, in order not to miss anything, were held over 70 hearings in criminal proceedings for a deceased defendant. And then they say that the resources are slim ...
In the beginning of each judicial year (expensive and unnecessary ritual: to rule), it has been officially bankrupt the system. "Justice is dead", he states with a lot of wigs and ermine lined. Well any holding those responsible for such a bankruptcy would already be finished before the bankruptcy court. Or at least comb the dolls. Instead, the judges no, on the contrary, todos caballeros, all winners. The magistrates living wage in El Dorado gold, shooting automatic, guaranteed advancement and privilege built. They have higher wages in Europe, pensions gold and 51 (right: 51) vacation days a year. After 28 years of work (job, so to speak ...), end of the world, all achieve the status of judges of the Supreme Court. Everyone, absolutely everyone, even the court more scarce, even one that was always in the most remote village of the province to deal with theft of sheep and goats trespassing on other people's pastures. Magistrate Appeal he, too, your honor goat. Do you realize? The 67 per cent of stipendiary has a role greater than the duties performed. It tests for career advancement record the world record of promotions: 99.6 percent of the total. Reject not even enough to get spit in the face while the examiner insult his mother ...
What can you do? Justice (justice, so to speak ...) works like this: those who make mistakes never pays. The disciplinary section of the CSM is a branch of a joke. The chances of hitting a penalty amounted to 2.1 percent. In eight years the judges have lost the chair were the 0.065 percent of the total. By judgments of acquittal, a volte, davvero grottesche: un pubblico ministero, per esempio, è stato perdonato perché “non sapeva ciò che andava dicendo”. E due magistrati che hanno lasciato a marcire 1040 faldoni nel sottoscala e 63 persone in galera per pura dimenticanza non sono stati condannati perché nella loro “notevolissima mole di lavoro”, dice la sentenza, il numero dei faldoni dimenticati e delle scarcerazioni non effettuate è “marginale”. Marginale? Capite? 63 persone dimenticate in carcere e oltre mille faldoni sono “marginali”...
In compenso, forse per farsi perdonare gli innocenti che dimenticano in carcere, le toghe si rifanno scarcerando con una certa frequenza boss e criminali hardened. On April 21 members of a dangerous clan of Bari were released because the prosecutor had forgotten to deposit in time the reasons for those judgments. Particularly interesting: it was a newly promoted magistrate with a solemn praise for its "high diligence." After all, his colleague of the court of Gela, who has forgotten that for eight years to write the reasons for a decision, leaving freedom in a little group of gangsters, was honored with the transfer to the prestigious office in Milan. Where he immediately distinguished: he sent to arrest a Moroccan man accused of raping children. And that, of course, has vanished into thin air.
Result? The Moroccan has perhaps started to rape children, but they are raping the justice. And do not respond to anything. Never. A chief prosecutor which has been challenged for non-registration of 85,938 and 28,235 acts of crime reports, the non-performance of 573 sentences and the imposition of various fines was acquitted because yes, poor fellow, was unable to do anything what he had, but we understand it "because of the emergency situation of his office." Ottantaseimila sometimes distracted, you know? Because of the emergency situation ... And as we said yesterday Filippo Facci we can not even know the name nor his, nor of those who opposed it is sanctioned in those rare cases in which the CSM wakes up from slumber exculpatory. But it is good? Why in the world if any worker pays wrong, because if any mistake is splashed across national newspapers, and the magistrate does not? In Italy the real revolution would be a law equal for everyone, said Flaiano. For some reason, however, the law may be different for those who only wears the toga. Just to say, a former MP who wrongly accused of being in collusion with the Mafia was 8 pounds in compensation for each copy of the newspaper that hosted the article. Judge a man wrongly accused of being allergic to soap, made unpleasant but less serious (it seems), we have seen assigned 340 pounds for each copy of the newspaper that hosted the article. 42 times more. "The magistrates, in short," concludes the Livadiotti debenettiano Espresso, "are more equal than others." Let them stop.
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