enough to detract from the comic!
Appeal - Press release from International School of Comics : Poster: The International School of Comics aims to promote an awareness campaign to defend the work of all designers of comics. Since we are in daily contact with many professionals, we have collected their thoughts and we do spokeswoman their discontent. Like them, we believe it is necessary to change a bad habit that has been consolidated over the years: the comic is an art, but in Italy suffers from a cultural devaluation, despite the ability dei disegnatori italiani. Anche questo può aver contribuito a far nascere una falsa idea del lavoro dei disegnatori del fumetto, diffondendo la convinzione che la loro opera abbia minore dignità rispetto a quella di altri artisti. Sempre più spesso i disegnatori si sentono traditi nel loro entusiasmo di condividere il loro lavoro con i fan. Ecco la principale fonte di malcontento tra i disegnatori: alle fiere regalano infaticabilmente la loro professionalità e la loro arte per poi vederla svenduta su internet: spesso vediamo disegni “svenduti” anche per 5 euro, in questo modo anche il talento del disegnatore è svalutato. Tutto il loro lavoro, la loro esperienza, la loro fatica vengono svenduti per niente. This running parallel to that in which a designer has to answer humiliating questions like, "Who are you? What comics did you do? Ah! Then I do a drawing? "And then maybe see the crumpled sheet somewhere because in the end it was not that important. The International School of Comics wants to serve and support the designers in a revolution of this system detracts from their professionalism, to try to give due weight to their art. We urge all those who share this thought and who intend to actively support each other in this battle of education, to sign this document to make their voices heard and to refuse in events to come, to lend their works for free. From now on whoever wants a design will have a fee or after buying the publishing of the drawings. The International School of Comics for its part, will undertake to circulate this document and then send it to the media, the organizers of trade fairs and publishing houses, its students and all those who follow the activities of school because those who share I can agree. To kick-start this new trend, we at the International School of Comics, at Lucca Comics ask our teachers to expose their price when they will draw for fans at our booth. And ask them to apply without fear rates they set. The campaign saw Eleonora Trigari the contribution of the lawyer, who is in favor of the poster. Eleanor is a Milanese lawyer experienced in copyright, which lends his work with artists all over the country. Below you can read his contribution: "Very properly, the International School of Comics uses the term" cultural devaluation. " Sequential art in Italy he is not granted adequate artistic value, as happens in other countries. Nevertheless the study, the passion and dedication behind the works to comics. Consider that in Italy the balloon does not have even a specific legislative protection. There is a reform proposal to introduce a scheme for ad hoc works in comics, but it is a project still stalled (Bill No. 3298 of the Senate, XIV term, "protection of the right ' author of works in comics "- to the President on 11 February 2005 -). It would be of great importance to reform, among other things, for a value in itself recognition of espresso, including legislative, comics as an art form. The consequences of the cultural devaluation sequential dell''arte are manifold. First, it affects, in negativo, sulle condizioni lavorative dei disegnatori. Basti pensare agli innumerevoli contratti a progetto che mal celano rapporti di lavoro subordinato e che i disegnatori, soprattutto i giovani artisti, si trovano “costretti” a sottoscrivere pur di poter lavorare. Oppure al mancato riconoscimento della proprietà degli originali delle tavole da parte delle case editrici. Gli stessi disegnatori sono direttamente vittime della svalutazione culturale dell’arte sequenziale, in quanto molto spesso non sono consapevoli dei diritti loro spettanti e non sono quindi in grado di tutelarli. Ne è un esempio palpabile il fatto che molti pensano che una volta firmato il contratto di edizione tutti i diritti di autore si transfer automatically to the publishing house, but not necessarily so. This requires the drawn first to loudly assert the dignity of their artistic works and the value of their work and who are actively committed to the protection of their rights, must first become aware of them. All those who care about art and culture should support, because all that does not promote the dissemination of art and culture itself is negative from a social perspective. "Attorney Eleanor Trigari.
article copied from afnews.info
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Inventory Turnover And Auditing
random stuff
Without competition factor for the manga, have not been successful ... if nothing else, at least I can post the first YY '
Eastern Reading! Made for a contest But Did not Have luck C3c .. read from right to left!
Found That starry sky photo, loved it, Had to use it in a pic. UU '
Night is interesting.
Night is interesting.
* comments make me happy O7O '*
Thursday, October 21, 2010
How To Watch Ggw For Free
Cesare Geronzi: General? For the current year, interesting results
"For the financial year looming interesting results, in-depth evaluation." It 'as said Cesare Geronzi, the chairman of General , speaking to employees during a visit to the headquarters of Mogliano Veneto.
"We are taking care of an organizational review - continued Cesare Geronzi referring to the international survey commissioned by the Trieste group companies' consultancy Boston Consulting Group - which is specifically aimed at enhancing the wealth of resources human, to improve efficiency, accelerate decision-making procedures in the interests first of all of our customers, beginning with the fall in response times. A short
- continued Cesare Geronzi - we will evaluate the first results of the analysis and begin designing the consequences in terms of functional organization.
(from bank mergers, Cesare Geronzi: interesting results for 2010 Generali )
"For the financial year looming interesting results, in-depth evaluation." It 'as said Cesare Geronzi, the chairman of General , speaking to employees during a visit to the headquarters of Mogliano Veneto.
"We are taking care of an organizational review - continued Cesare Geronzi referring to the international survey commissioned by the Trieste group companies' consultancy Boston Consulting Group - which is specifically aimed at enhancing the wealth of resources human, to improve efficiency, accelerate decision-making procedures in the interests first of all of our customers, beginning with the fall in response times. A short
- continued Cesare Geronzi - we will evaluate the first results of the analysis and begin designing the consequences in terms of functional organization.
(from bank mergers, Cesare Geronzi: interesting results for 2010 Generali )
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Denise Milani Nipple Showing Boobs
medical expenses and accident travel insurance
L'assicurazione sui viaggi copre sia le malattie contratte in viaggio che gli eventuali infortuni . Le malattie prese in viaggio derivano solitamente dal fatto che i nostri anticorpi non sono abituati ai germi diffusi in altri paesi. Spesso anzi non riconoscono questi batteri come nocivi ed è proprio per questo che ci ammaliamo. Gli infortuni invece possono essere di vario genere.
Le malattie e gli infortuni all'estero possono comportare varie spese
assistenza sanitaria
interventi chirurgici
Grazie all'assicurazione sui viaggi queste spese possono essere rimborsate. Usually the insurance contract provides for a maximum reimbursement for each type of claim. The costs of hospitalization does not always fall into this coverage unless they are the result of emergency measures and particularly critical.
Travel insurance options based description
Deductible medical expenses travel insurance
Assicurazio0ne Columbus travel
L'assicurazione sui viaggi copre sia le malattie contratte in viaggio che gli eventuali infortuni . Le malattie prese in viaggio derivano solitamente dal fatto che i nostri anticorpi non sono abituati ai germi diffusi in altri paesi. Spesso anzi non riconoscono questi batteri come nocivi ed è proprio per questo che ci ammaliamo. Gli infortuni invece possono essere di vario genere.
Le malattie e gli infortuni all'estero possono comportare varie spese
assistenza sanitaria
interventi chirurgici
Grazie all'assicurazione sui viaggi queste spese possono essere rimborsate. Usually the insurance contract provides for a maximum reimbursement for each type of claim. The costs of hospitalization does not always fall into this coverage unless they are the result of emergency measures and particularly critical.
Travel insurance options based description
Deductible medical expenses travel insurance
Assicurazio0ne Columbus travel
How To Fix A Rusk Iron
The third year di Comics è iniziato seriamente xD sto tutto il giorno a disegnare, non succedeva da tanto..
I'm lacking time!! çAç
art trade with a friend
piece of a collaboration xD
ustream didn't work properly ç.ç' then i changed in camtasia
Satoshi Kon tribute, for an expo that will take place at Lucca comics&games convention, it's a lovely initiative ♥
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Does Socialism Need To Be Capitalized
Inps Scandal: No retirement for the precarious
The news, relayed by several blogs , arrived and confirmed the worst. It will remain concealed for obvious reasons, although we can circulate it on the Net . If you are insecure to know that you will not receive the pension . contributions you are paying to serve only those who pay the pension have it guaranteed . Why INPS should hide this truth is obvious: to prevent the uprising. This was stated by the analysts are not revolutionaries and left, but the president of the pension fund, Antonio Mastropasqua, as he writes Agoravox , has finally answered those who asked why the temporary Social Security does not provide the simulation of their pension future as it does with other workers: "If we give the simulation of quasi-employees pension risk a social upheaval."
Intrage writes that the announcement was made during a conference: the main news was supposed to be that INPS will send next week, about 4 million letters to the quasi-employees, after those sent in July to employees to explain how to consult the online personal insurance status. To verify, that is, contributions that are paid.
The second news is that you can not, for the quasi-employees, on the same site to simulate what should be his retirement, as it can already do the employees. The reason for this difference seems to have been explained by Mastrapasqua just with that line. To say, in other words, if the various partners, consultants, project workers, employment contract, entered in separate management INPS, ie the quasi-employees, were aware of the truth, could seriously upset. And the truth is that with contribution system, treatments completed by contractors and consultants often do not reach the minimum pension .
The precarious, as the quasi-employees are called for INPS the "entrepreneurs of themselves" created by neoliberal policies, the board will not . Pagano contributions unnecessarily or rather, because they pay Social Security can pay the pension accrued to those who . For the quasi-employees pension does not arrive at the minimum, even if the quasi-subordinate will succeed in his career, not to lose even one year of contributions.
The only system that the INPS has found to face the bitter truth, was to hide to workers in their future retirement there will be , hoping that realize that as late as possible and make less mess as possible.
So we pay our contributions that do not meet again in the form of pension. If we react now, perhaps, we still have the hope of a minimum pension.
(from contintasca.blogosfere.it )
The news, relayed by several blogs , arrived and confirmed the worst. It will remain concealed for obvious reasons, although we can circulate it on the Net . If you are insecure to know that you will not receive the pension . contributions you are paying to serve only those who pay the pension have it guaranteed . Why INPS should hide this truth is obvious: to prevent the uprising. This was stated by the analysts are not revolutionaries and left, but the president of the pension fund, Antonio Mastropasqua, as he writes Agoravox , has finally answered those who asked why the temporary Social Security does not provide the simulation of their pension future as it does with other workers: "If we give the simulation of quasi-employees pension risk a social upheaval."
Intrage writes that the announcement was made during a conference: the main news was supposed to be that INPS will send next week, about 4 million letters to the quasi-employees, after those sent in July to employees to explain how to consult the online personal insurance status. To verify, that is, contributions that are paid.
The second news is that you can not, for the quasi-employees, on the same site to simulate what should be his retirement, as it can already do the employees. The reason for this difference seems to have been explained by Mastrapasqua just with that line. To say, in other words, if the various partners, consultants, project workers, employment contract, entered in separate management INPS, ie the quasi-employees, were aware of the truth, could seriously upset. And the truth is that with contribution system, treatments completed by contractors and consultants often do not reach the minimum pension .
The precarious, as the quasi-employees are called for INPS the "entrepreneurs of themselves" created by neoliberal policies, the board will not . Pagano contributions unnecessarily or rather, because they pay Social Security can pay the pension accrued to those who . For the quasi-employees pension does not arrive at the minimum, even if the quasi-subordinate will succeed in his career, not to lose even one year of contributions.
The only system that the INPS has found to face the bitter truth, was to hide to workers in their future retirement there will be , hoping that realize that as late as possible and make less mess as possible.
So we pay our contributions that do not meet again in the form of pension. If we react now, perhaps, we still have the hope of a minimum pension.
(from contintasca.blogosfere.it )
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Franchise Agreement Pdf
Ten tips for saving on your bill, home
Riporto un articolo utile, in questo periodo di crisi:
"Deval, al società per la distribuzione dell'energia elettrica in Val d'Aosta, ha preparato una lista di dieci consigli per un uso dell'energia elettric a corretto e intelligente . Seguendoli, si dovrebbe potere risparmaire sulla bolletta . Vediamoli:
1. Televisore, videoregistratore, lettore dvd e computer
ricordati di spegnere gli apparecchi con il pulsante e non solo con il telecomando, gli apparecchi in stand-by continuano a consumare energia. Cerca di tenere acceso un solo apparecchio per tutta la famiglia.
2. Lampade ad alta efficienza energetica
Choose low energy light bulbs, especially in environments where the light stays on longer, can reduce energy consumption by 80% compared to traditional incandescent lamps. Remember to turn off the lights when not needed.
3. Conditioner
Turn the air conditioner only in cases of real need and adjust the thermostat to temperatures not much different from the outside.
4. Electric oven
not open the oven frequently during cooking, preheat the oven only when necessary and turn off just before the end of cooking to take advantage of residual heat
5. Microwave oven
The microwave is more its fuel efficiency than a traditional oven, as it significantly faster in the kitchen.
6. Refrigerator
Avoid unnecessary and frequent door openings; place the appliance in the kitchen cooler and away from stoves, heaters, and leave at least 10 cm away from the wall for ventilation.
7. Dishwasher
You run the unit at full load, use the least possible intensive cycle, rather than remove the larger food from the dishes that could clog the filter and decrease The effectiveness of the wash.
8. Hairdryer
being used in average temperatures, high temperatures are increasing consumption and are not good for hair.
9. Washing
Use the device always at full load and not too high temperatures (30-60 ° C). If you have a model with automatic drying, try to use it only when you can not remove the laundry.
10. Heaters
not hold on the water heater when you need it, you can install a timer to put into operation three hours before use. "
(from sustainable-development-italiano.blogspot.com, Ten Ways to Save energy at home )
Riporto un articolo utile, in questo periodo di crisi:
"Deval, al società per la distribuzione dell'energia elettrica in Val d'Aosta, ha preparato una lista di dieci consigli per un uso dell'energia elettric a corretto e intelligente . Seguendoli, si dovrebbe potere risparmaire sulla bolletta . Vediamoli:
1. Televisore, videoregistratore, lettore dvd e computer
ricordati di spegnere gli apparecchi con il pulsante e non solo con il telecomando, gli apparecchi in stand-by continuano a consumare energia. Cerca di tenere acceso un solo apparecchio per tutta la famiglia.
2. Lampade ad alta efficienza energetica
Choose low energy light bulbs, especially in environments where the light stays on longer, can reduce energy consumption by 80% compared to traditional incandescent lamps. Remember to turn off the lights when not needed.
3. Conditioner
Turn the air conditioner only in cases of real need and adjust the thermostat to temperatures not much different from the outside.
4. Electric oven
not open the oven frequently during cooking, preheat the oven only when necessary and turn off just before the end of cooking to take advantage of residual heat
5. Microwave oven
The microwave is more its fuel efficiency than a traditional oven, as it significantly faster in the kitchen.
6. Refrigerator
Avoid unnecessary and frequent door openings; place the appliance in the kitchen cooler and away from stoves, heaters, and leave at least 10 cm away from the wall for ventilation.
7. Dishwasher
You run the unit at full load, use the least possible intensive cycle, rather than remove the larger food from the dishes that could clog the filter and decrease The effectiveness of the wash.
8. Hairdryer
being used in average temperatures, high temperatures are increasing consumption and are not good for hair.
9. Washing
Use the device always at full load and not too high temperatures (30-60 ° C). If you have a model with automatic drying, try to use it only when you can not remove the laundry.
10. Heaters
not hold on the water heater when you need it, you can install a timer to put into operation three hours before use. "
(from sustainable-development-italiano.blogspot.com, Ten Ways to Save energy at home )
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Whats Is A Half A Head Of Highlights
According to Paolo Scaroni fees managers are too high
roport blog by Fabio Barnetta Article Paolo Scaroni raises the question the fees are too high to managers .
Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Eni and member of the board of the General Cesare Geronzi , raised the issue of compensation for managers, increased disproportionately in recent years.
"In recent years, the remuneration of managers have increased" disproportionately. "Among the officers and committees remuneration" has' created a closed circuit and that is' powered '. Paolo Scaroni, CEO of 'Eni, highlights the problem of senior managers' compensation, which increased enormously in recent years. participating in a conference on the subject organized by the Istud Ambrosianeum Foundation and the Foundation in Milan, Paolo Scaroni explained that "the remuneration of managers should be more proportionate." And in Italy the problem 'and' even more 'serious' cause the manager often coincides with the shareholder. " Paolo Scaroni then cited the case of Global, a group that can 'act as a benchmark Italian. Paolo Scaroni, which is' also a member of the board of the insurance group, said that "we have come to define a mechanism A system that provides an array of co-investment manager to azionistiIl manager, said Paolo Scaroni , "takes the annual bonus e li investe in azioni Generali e dopo un certo numero di anni puo' avere in regalo azioni, tante se ha fatto bene e zero se ha fatto male. Si tratta certamente - ha concluso - di un meccanismo sano"."
roport blog by Fabio Barnetta Article Paolo Scaroni raises the question the fees are too high to managers .
Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Eni and member of the board of the General Cesare Geronzi , raised the issue of compensation for managers, increased disproportionately in recent years.
"In recent years, the remuneration of managers have increased" disproportionately. "Among the officers and committees remuneration" has' created a closed circuit and that is' powered '. Paolo Scaroni, CEO of 'Eni, highlights the problem of senior managers' compensation, which increased enormously in recent years. participating in a conference on the subject organized by the Istud Ambrosianeum Foundation and the Foundation in Milan, Paolo Scaroni explained that "the remuneration of managers should be more proportionate." And in Italy the problem 'and' even more 'serious' cause the manager often coincides with the shareholder. " Paolo Scaroni then cited the case of Global, a group that can 'act as a benchmark Italian. Paolo Scaroni, which is' also a member of the board of the insurance group, said that "we have come to define a mechanism A system that provides an array of co-investment manager to azionistiIl manager, said Paolo Scaroni , "takes the annual bonus e li investe in azioni Generali e dopo un certo numero di anni puo' avere in regalo azioni, tante se ha fatto bene e zero se ha fatto male. Si tratta certamente - ha concluso - di un meccanismo sano"."
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Ideas To Decorate A Cheesecake
Luigi Casero: 55% can extend
Riporto un articolo atteso per chi è interessato alle agevolazioni fiscali del 55% per il risparmio energetico.
"“Il Governo e gli strumenti a disposizione delle imprese per superare la crisi”. Questo il titolo dell’intervento dell’on. Luigi Casero, sottosegretario all’Economia e Finanze, all’Assemblea generale di Uncsaal tenutasi sabato 2 ottobre 2010 all’Auditorium Giò Ponti di Assolombarda. Si è trattato di un intervento ad ampio respiro sui problemi di rilancio dell’economia e delle imprese e il loro (tormentato) rapporto con gli incentivi di vario genere e, più in generale, con la fiscalità. Evidentemente l’attesa era tutta per quanto Casero avrebbe dichiarato sulla proroga dei benefici fiscali del 55% oltre il 2010.
E l’attesa non è stata vana. In sostanza, il 55% si può prorogare. Anche perché il 55%, e questo il sottosegretario l’ha dichiarato pubblicamente, la misura dei benefici fiscali per il risparmio energetico è stata utile, molto più utile di altri benefici fiscali."
(dal blog di Luigi Vianello )
Riporto un articolo atteso per chi è interessato alle agevolazioni fiscali del 55% per il risparmio energetico.
"“Il Governo e gli strumenti a disposizione delle imprese per superare la crisi”. Questo il titolo dell’intervento dell’on. Luigi Casero, sottosegretario all’Economia e Finanze, all’Assemblea generale di Uncsaal tenutasi sabato 2 ottobre 2010 all’Auditorium Giò Ponti di Assolombarda. Si è trattato di un intervento ad ampio respiro sui problemi di rilancio dell’economia e delle imprese e il loro (tormentato) rapporto con gli incentivi di vario genere e, più in generale, con la fiscalità. Evidentemente l’attesa era tutta per quanto Casero avrebbe dichiarato sulla proroga dei benefici fiscali del 55% oltre il 2010.
E l’attesa non è stata vana. In sostanza, il 55% si può prorogare. Anche perché il 55%, e questo il sottosegretario l’ha dichiarato pubblicamente, la misura dei benefici fiscali per il risparmio energetico è stata utile, molto più utile di altri benefici fiscali."
(dal blog di Luigi Vianello )
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