Sunday, October 24, 2010

Is An Hiv Rash Urticaria

enough to detract from the comic!

Appeal - Press release from International School of Comics : Poster: The International School of Comics aims to promote an awareness campaign to defend the work of all designers of comics. Since we are in daily contact with many professionals, we have collected their thoughts and we do spokeswoman their discontent. Like them, we believe it is necessary to change a bad habit that has been consolidated over the years: the comic is an art, but in Italy suffers from a cultural devaluation, despite the ability dei disegnatori italiani. Anche questo può aver contribuito a far nascere una falsa idea del lavoro dei disegnatori del fumetto, diffondendo la convinzione che la loro opera abbia minore dignità rispetto a quella di altri artisti. Sempre più spesso i disegnatori si sentono traditi nel loro entusiasmo di condividere il loro lavoro con i fan. Ecco la principale fonte di malcontento tra i disegnatori: alle fiere regalano infaticabilmente la loro professionalità e la loro arte per poi vederla svenduta su internet: spesso vediamo disegni “svenduti” anche per 5 euro, in DSC_8870 mani di Alessandro Barbucci questo modo anche il talento del disegnatore è svalutato. Tutto il loro lavoro, la loro esperienza, la loro fatica vengono svenduti per niente. This running parallel to that in which a designer has to answer humiliating questions like, "Who are you? What comics did you do? Ah! Then I do a drawing? "And then maybe see the crumpled sheet somewhere because in the end it was not that important. The International School of Comics wants to serve and support the designers in a revolution of this system detracts from their professionalism, to try to give due weight to their art. We urge all those who share this thought and who intend to actively support each other in this battle of education, to sign this document to make their voices heard and to refuse in events to come, to lend their works for free. From now on whoever wants a design will have a fee or after buying the publishing of the drawings. The International School of Comics for its part, will undertake to circulate this document and then send it to the media, the organizers of trade fairs and P4281165 mani di Frezzato publishing houses, its students and all those who follow the activities of school because those who share I can agree. To kick-start this new trend, we at the International School of Comics, at Lucca Comics ask our teachers to expose their price when they will draw for fans at our booth. And ask them to apply without fear rates they set. The campaign saw Eleonora Trigari the contribution of the lawyer, who is in favor of the poster. Eleanor is a Milanese lawyer experienced in copyright, which lends his work with artists all over the country. Below you can read his contribution: "Very properly, the International School of Comics uses the term" cultural devaluation. " Sequential art in Italy he is not granted adequate artistic value, as happens in other countries. Nevertheless the study, the passion and dedication behind the works to comics. Consider that in Italy the balloon does not have even a specific legislative protection. There is a mani di Giardino 2003 DSCN0402 reform proposal to introduce a scheme for ad hoc works in comics, but it is a project still stalled (Bill No. 3298 of the Senate, XIV term, "protection of the right ' author of works in comics "- to the President on 11 February 2005 -). It would be of great importance to reform, among other things, for a value in itself recognition of espresso, including legislative, comics as an art form. The consequences of the cultural devaluation sequential dell''arte are manifold. First, it affects, in negativo, sulle condizioni lavorative dei disegnatori. Basti pensare agli innumerevoli contratti a progetto che mal celano rapporti di lavoro subordinato e che i disegnatori, soprattutto i giovani artisti, si trovano “costretti” a sottoscrivere pur di poter lavorare. Oppure al mancato riconoscimento della proprietà degli originali delle tavole da parte delle case editrici. Gli stessi disegnatori sono direttamente vittime della svalutazione culturale dell’arte sequenziale, mano di PtiLuc in quanto molto spesso non sono consapevoli dei diritti loro spettanti e non sono quindi in grado di tutelarli. Ne è un esempio palpabile il fatto che molti pensano che una volta firmato il contratto di edizione tutti i diritti di autore si transfer automatically to the publishing house, but not necessarily so. This requires the drawn first to loudly assert the dignity of their artistic works and the value of their work and who are actively committed to the protection of their rights, must first become aware of them. All those who care about art and culture should support, because all that does not promote the dissemination of art and culture itself is negative from a social perspective. "Attorney Eleanor Trigari.

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