Friday, December 24, 2010

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Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

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General General: Paolo Vagnone is Country Manager Italy Cesare Geronzi

The Board of Directors of General , the group headed by Cesare Geronzi , part of the reorganization of the Corporate Centre, approved the appointment of Paul Vagnone to Country Manager for Italy with the title of general manager .

"Vagnone, 47 years and with a long experience in the insurance sector - make a statement - Coordinate the activities of the Italian banking and insurance group and report to Group CEO Giovanni Perissinotto . The appointment will take effect from February 2011.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

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: Euro exit would be a disaster

Cesare Geronzi , about the single currency, getting around without commenting: "It would be catastrophic today to decide the exit from '€ .

Milano Finanza - 03/12/2010:

"It would be catastrophic today decide to exit the euro." Cesare Geronzi not use circumlocution to say how he is about the single currency in the midst of financial crisis che sta fiaccando l'Europa. Il presidente delle Generali , intervenuto alla Cattedra di san Giusto alla diocesi di Trieste, ritiene piuttosto che serva più Europa in questa fase, e addirittura si spinge anche oltre, affermando la «crucialità di una governante globale da costruire, fino all’ipotesi della realizzazione di una sorte di embrionale banca centrale globale », su cui «non si dovrebbe ulteriormente indugiare».
Se l’origine della crisi è la mancanza di regole, sono queste che devono tornare sulla scena politica, sostiene Cesare Geronzi . E’ mancata la regolamentazione finanziaria a livello globale, fondata su Fondo monetario, Banca Mondiale, Organizzazione mondiale del commercio e Financial stability board. Anche il vertice G20 di Seul ha prodotto un risultato deludente, con impegni generici contro il protezionismo e le svalutazioni competitive: «L’unica misura concreta approvata riguarda Basilea3». Anche a livello europeo, continua Cesare Geronzi , «al di là della nuova architettura della vigilanza che decollerà il 1 gennaio, che non è una riforma sostanziale», non sono stati fatti passi consistenti: «Nulla si è fatto in materia di derivati», nonostante la necessità di regolarne gli scambi su una piattaforma centralizzata. Mentre serve molto di più: The alternative exit the euro is rather "a step in the mechanisms of integration into a real economic governance, an objective is very different from the current revision of the Stability Pact.
especially important to strengthen the Eurosystem and the EU institutions provide a general plan anticontagio. It should not be lost any more time dealing with the case of Portugal. " And well, according to Cesare Geronzi , is the governor of the ECB, Jean-Claude Trichet , keep your guard against the financial distress still there.
If Europe is crying, Italy can still be in his little force status health of its banks, thanks to the consolidation processes of the nineties, the supervision of the Bank of Italy, the shield provided by the government and the 'politics of public finance that has enabled they are well covered by the safety of the accounts of State '. However, for Italy 'growth between 1, 1 and 1%, 2% is not adequate to tackle the unemployment that has reached 8, 6%, the highest point since 2004. " In this crisis situation of enterprises and government accounts for Cesare Geronzi is urgent that government funds are restored to the 5 per thousand, needed to finance the so-called 'third sector, "the only one that can support the subsidiarity in the country.
In this crisis situation, Cesare Geronzi claims that 'the General, like other European insurance companies operating in both life insurance and life insurance in, you were required capital increases, but there was only a temporary reduction in the dividend for 2009. Now we are going to present a satisfactory result for the year without doubt. The new year will be addressed with a strengthening and reinforcement of organizational strategies. " The hot topic is the nomination of the country manager for Italy, provided by the housekeeper, but now vacant, for which by the name of the CFO, Raffaele Agrusti . "The Board will decide," said a margin Cesare Geronzi , "I can only give a contribution at the time of decisions. Agrusti ? It 'so good it can do anything. "

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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Post injury protection and basic

Postaprotezione injury offers full coverage. It allows us to play during the day, our most diverse occupations (work, leisure and household activities) with confidence and serenity.
The insurance premium is € 24.50 a month and provides coverage for accidents by 24 hours to 24 hours. The following is a card that we will further explain the services offered in relation to the sums insured.

Postaprotezione Senior Accident insurance is a once in a widespread manner to cover any likely accident, compensation cost. It is open to all who have an age range between 59 years to 79 years.
Tale proposta assicurativa eroga il compenso sia in termini economici che di tipo assistenziale.
Nel momento in cui si deve risarcire, l’assicurazione nella fase dell’indennizzo terrà conto di determinati infortuni ovvero:

- lussazioni
- fratture
- commozione cerebrale
- ustioni

Ma Postaprotezione Infortuni Senior offre in aggiunta all’indennizzo una assistenza domiciliare. Vediamo insieme quali servizi medico assistenziali ci verranno garantiti:

- infermiere domiciliare
-visita medico generico
- operatore socio-assistenziale
-reperimento consegna dei farmaci
- apparecchiature e supporti riabilitativi

The insurance premium payable is minimal, it is just € 15 per month. It can be taken without regard to any other security reports.

Here are some kind of compensation provided:

- Hip or pelvis (excluding hip or tailbone) 4000.00 €
- leg, skull, clavicle, elbow and forearm
€ 3000.00 - € 3000.00 Dislocations
- 1500.00 €
lower jaw - the second and third degree burns 4.000,00 euro

Il modellino di sottoscrizione è reperibile in qualsiasi Ufficio Postale ( reperibile anche in Download sul sito della Poste Italiana). All’interno di tale documentazione vi verranno riportate tutte le condizioni, franchigie, elenco infortuni coperti e infortuni non presi in considerazione dall’asicurazione.

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Senior Insurance and mortgage loan insurance with the Post

Postaprotezione incendio mutui è l’assicurazione ideale per chi intenda sia salvaguardare la propria abitazione (si può sottoscrivere anche se si è in affitto) che essere tutelato nell’eventualità che la nostra abitazione rechi danni a terzi. Vediamo insieme i vantaggi di Postaprotezione incendio mutui:
- copertura da danni cagionati water, explosion, fire or explosion
- as a person civilly liable for damages from fire, explosion, explosion or water caused to third parties. Our coverage would cover the damages caused to third parties as the damaged parts.
- Coverage of all types of natural disasters: floods, earthquakes, floods, avalanches.

Membership is easy and safe. Allowing us to live without the distressing problem of payment of the mortgage on the one hand and the concern of seeing their homes destroyed on the other.
Simply fill in the contract expressly stated the square meters of their home.
The following is a summary guideline:

for loans is scheduled the bill Postaprotezione

L 'intent that aims Postaprotezione loan is to refund the outstanding principal of a loan agreement with previously BancoPosta. Let's see what elements are necessary in order to obtain reimbursement.
- death of the applicant (remember that the guarantee in case of death is provided by Poste Vita SpA
- or permanent total disability of the applicant (equal to or greater than 60%)

Postaprotezione loan, keeping in mind the work of the applicant, allows us to benefit from an additional warranty. It protects us in case of job loss or temporary total disability. In addition, even non-workers, if struck by serious illness.

remember at last that the subscription model is readily available at any Italian post office, or downloaded via the Internet directly from the official website of the posed.

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When each of us is raise the passing of a dear , the pain generated by the disappearance is certainly very distressing. Very often we ignore also the consequential effects arising therefrom.
The disappearance of a family in turn generates economic repercussions. To remedy this unfortunate situation, one might assign to 'insurance Postapersone AffettiProtetti .. Such insurance would provide capital available immediately, so you need to rearrange our lives.
A person such as non-smoker of 35 years of age, tend to provide a contribution of 10 € per month. Assuming an average duration of ten years, would enable the family after his death to benefit from a capital of 150.000 €. It must be said that this capital is exempt from taxes and other ways to reduce capital and can be subscribed to the benefit of any person (child, spouse).
's use of that capital could be designed to ensure the ability to continue to pay a loan previously contracted. But also ensure the children go to university and build a future.
useful information about the award of the contract.
- can be taken up to the age of 60 years to a maximum principal amount of 170,000 €. This mode does not require medical examinations or complete a medical questionnaire.
- - the length of the cover is inclined to our needs for 15 to 10 years, in this case are given the opportunity to subscribe for up to 70 years of age.
- The contract provides for those who do not smoke can enjoy the premium decreases. Even those who quit smoking may benefit from a capital increase.
- The division of the annual premium by 12 ( principal amounts equal to or greater than € 1000.000) allows us to pay monthly or yearly without any increase in total freedom.
The legislation allows the government to deduct tax from the tax, saving 19% of the premium paid up to a budgeted amount of € 1291.14.

The following is a chart that shows us the share of monthly premium inherent in a capital of 150.000 €.

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crop insurance policy to know how farmers

Such policies are necessary to protect the harvest of each farmer and do not find economically damaged after a weather event. Therefore can be compensated by the insurance when they suffer damages due hail, frost, frost or other natural disasters which hinder the smooth running of their farming activities.
This type of insurance are very flexible and adapt well to the needs and characteristics of each agricultural enterprise. Protecting the insured at any time of the production process: from planting, the process of collection and processing of the product from storage to the point of sale. The subscription does not miss even a chance to be protected from fire damage to greenhouses and garden fruit.
Please note that the forms are provided insurance aimed specifically at those who manage a farm. Covering the risks of theft, fire, accidents, third party liability protection.
For information read the opinion of 'ASNACODI (National Association of co-defense), which argues that groups are points of contact between insurers and members. Together they are studying new forms adequate insurance which highlights the need to limit the variability of farm incomes also threatened by the volatility of market prices. So it is understandable that in the coming years, we will also be working policies on farmers' incomes.

Friday, December 10, 2010

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