Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hamster Long Growth Ear

Senior Insurance and mortgage loan insurance with the Post

Postaprotezione incendio mutui è l’assicurazione ideale per chi intenda sia salvaguardare la propria abitazione (si può sottoscrivere anche se si è in affitto) che essere tutelato nell’eventualità che la nostra abitazione rechi danni a terzi. Vediamo insieme i vantaggi di Postaprotezione incendio mutui:
- copertura da danni cagionati water, explosion, fire or explosion
- as a person civilly liable for damages from fire, explosion, explosion or water caused to third parties. Our coverage would cover the damages caused to third parties as the damaged parts.
- Coverage of all types of natural disasters: floods, earthquakes, floods, avalanches.

Membership is easy and safe. Allowing us to live without the distressing problem of payment of the mortgage on the one hand and the concern of seeing their homes destroyed on the other.
Simply fill in the contract expressly stated the square meters of their home.
The following is a summary guideline:

for loans is scheduled the bill Postaprotezione

L 'intent that aims Postaprotezione loan is to refund the outstanding principal of a loan agreement with previously BancoPosta. Let's see what elements are necessary in order to obtain reimbursement.
- death of the applicant (remember that the guarantee in case of death is provided by Poste Vita SpA
- or permanent total disability of the applicant (equal to or greater than 60%)

Postaprotezione loan, keeping in mind the work of the applicant, allows us to benefit from an additional warranty. It protects us in case of job loss or temporary total disability. In addition, even non-workers, if struck by serious illness.

remember at last that the subscription model is readily available at any Italian post office, or downloaded via the Internet directly from the official website of the posed.


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