Mediobanca continues the road to the 'internationalization .
carried an article by Sergio depth Bocconi released on yesterday's Corriere Economia.
"For Mediobanca is the second one can say 'change' strategies, although in hindsight they are two sides of the same coin. The first was summarized in the" slogan "less holding, more investment bank. The second step, you may instead disclose a glance with two figures: 50% of the bank's customer base is now made by non-Italians and 30% of revenue component of the 'core', the corporate and investment banking is 'produced' by foreign offices.
A turn all the more significant when one considers that the international projection of Piazzetta Cuccia began in 2004 and revenues across the border has increased from virtually zero share, 40 million at current 250-300. And in foreign offices Mediobanca is present with 12 people in Paris, 20 in Frankfurt, Madrid and 22 to sixty in London. Only a few years ago the investment bank founded by Enrico Cuccia was without doubt the undisputed number one keeper of the great assets of the Italian capital, but it was virtually "only" home. Cuccia had created a network of personal relationships and investments over the years has had as protagonists Lehman and Lazard. But the great banker did not institute stabili basi estere. Probabilmente perché la missione della banca era concentrata sul business ma anche (o soprattutto) sul ruolo di holding, cassaforte di partecipazioni e assetti, e comunque gli orizzonti stessi del nostro capitalismo erano più italocentrici.
Con il passaggio del testimone alla «generazione» successiva, quindi a partire dal 2003-2004 e da quando cioè il timone è passato ad Alberto Nagel, Mediobanca ha aperto e rafforzato progressivamente sedi all’estero: a Parigi nel 2004; nel 2007 a Francoforte e quindi a Madrid (con il banchiere d’affari Borja Prado); nel 2008 a Londra, prima con la piattaforma di prodotti capital market, poi anche con il team di ricerca sulle banche europee guidato da Antonio Guglielmi, a former top analyst at Merrill Lynch. A gradual and similar to that followed by several Anglo-Saxon investment banks, which have moved from the bottom and taking home not through marriage or acquisitions, investment banking, which are considered complex because the human factor is prevalent, but new office openings own, "you buy at professionals.
The last step taken in order of time was increasing in Germany (and the announced investment in the capital of a bank to be established in Tunis has obviously been suspended after the country's situation is precipitated). Earlier this year Piazzetta Cuccia, who in 2009 had "Looked" at some of the investment banking and private body of SAI Oppenheim bank, and had decided not to proceed because the scope of supply (which also included the activity of derivatives) did not correspond to more conservative growth strategy, strengthened its Frankfurt office with three "buy" from Rothschild: Adam Bolek (who as managing director responsible for the report to headquarters Frank Schönherr), Steffen and Jens Geisler Krane.
With the opening of foreign branches is obviously increased contribution to revenues from the component "core" of the investment bank, known as the CIB, which is the corporate & investment banking: if in 2004 the percentage was almost zero international and in 2005 stood at 3% in 2008 was 10%, in 2010 more than doubled (from a total of Revenues amounted to just more than one billion), then the estimates for 2011 indicate the proportion rose to 30%, or approximately 300 million. That's so Piazzetta Cuccia in Spain is the third in the list of completed transactions and as an advisor in figure deal of importance to the major groups present, such as Enel Green Power, Telefonica, Endesa, Sacyr, Abertis and in Germany has followed in other operations the 'acquisition of Kamps by a group of investors in France is next to France and GDF Telecom or deal with cross border as Beni Stabili Foncière de Région, and is at 21th place in Britain, land 'hard' for M & A investment bank non-residents in the City. "
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