Monday, September 13, 2010

Tight Undergarment Genitals

Postaprevidenza pension supplement items

Postaprevidenza valore è una pensione integrativa individuale pensata per coloro che vogliono aumentare la loro stabilità economica futura. Postaprevidenza valore può essere richiesta da tutti i correntisti BancoPosta.

Postaprevidenza valore è un prodotto personalizzabile al cento per cento che permette di accantonare mese dopo mese somme di denaro anche molto piccole e non necessariamente in modo costante. I versamenti possono infatti essere sospesi in qualsiasi momenti e ripresi in un secondo tempo. L'importo del premio payable can also be changed after the first year and you can make additional voluntary contributions also to integrate those agreed under the contract.

The amount of money set aside is revalued annually so going to be a monthly income that will be credited directly to the following bank account from the time the customer decides to retire. The money thus obtained can also alternatively be embedded in a lump sum usually up to 50% of the shares acquired. In some cases, under certain legal conditions, you may also be able to collect the total amount of capital accumulated.

In the event of death to the heirs of the customer has the capital accrued up to that date for a minimum value equal to the capital that was invested plus a percentage of 1, 5% annually.

Postaprevidenza value does not provide for any payments made cost

flows derived from contributions paid by the employer
anticipation, redemption, transfer


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