Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
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The Board of Directors of General , the group headed by Cesare Geronzi , part of the reorganization of the Corporate Centre, approved the appointment of Paul Vagnone to Country Manager for Italy with the title of general manager .
"Vagnone, 47 years and with a long experience in the insurance sector - make a statement - Coordinate the activities of the Italian banking and insurance group and report to Group CEO Giovanni Perissinotto . The appointment will take effect from February 2011.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
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Cesare Geronzi , about the single currency, getting around without commenting: "It would be catastrophic today to decide the exit from '€ .
Milano Finanza - 03/12/2010:
"It would be catastrophic today decide to exit the euro." Cesare Geronzi not use circumlocution to say how he is about the single currency in the midst of financial crisis che sta fiaccando l'Europa. Il presidente delle Generali , intervenuto alla Cattedra di san Giusto alla diocesi di Trieste, ritiene piuttosto che serva più Europa in questa fase, e addirittura si spinge anche oltre, affermando la «crucialità di una governante globale da costruire, fino all’ipotesi della realizzazione di una sorte di embrionale banca centrale globale », su cui «non si dovrebbe ulteriormente indugiare».
Se l’origine della crisi è la mancanza di regole, sono queste che devono tornare sulla scena politica, sostiene Cesare Geronzi . E’ mancata la regolamentazione finanziaria a livello globale, fondata su Fondo monetario, Banca Mondiale, Organizzazione mondiale del commercio e Financial stability board. Anche il vertice G20 di Seul ha prodotto un risultato deludente, con impegni generici contro il protezionismo e le svalutazioni competitive: «L’unica misura concreta approvata riguarda Basilea3». Anche a livello europeo, continua Cesare Geronzi , «al di là della nuova architettura della vigilanza che decollerà il 1 gennaio, che non è una riforma sostanziale», non sono stati fatti passi consistenti: «Nulla si è fatto in materia di derivati», nonostante la necessità di regolarne gli scambi su una piattaforma centralizzata. Mentre serve molto di più: The alternative exit the euro is rather "a step in the mechanisms of integration into a real economic governance, an objective is very different from the current revision of the Stability Pact.
especially important to strengthen the Eurosystem and the EU institutions provide a general plan anticontagio. It should not be lost any more time dealing with the case of Portugal. " And well, according to Cesare Geronzi , is the governor of the ECB, Jean-Claude Trichet , keep your guard against the financial distress still there.
If Europe is crying, Italy can still be in his little force status health of its banks, thanks to the consolidation processes of the nineties, the supervision of the Bank of Italy, the shield provided by the government and the 'politics of public finance that has enabled they are well covered by the safety of the accounts of State '. However, for Italy 'growth between 1, 1 and 1%, 2% is not adequate to tackle the unemployment that has reached 8, 6%, the highest point since 2004. " In this crisis situation of enterprises and government accounts for Cesare Geronzi is urgent that government funds are restored to the 5 per thousand, needed to finance the so-called 'third sector, "the only one that can support the subsidiarity in the country.
In this crisis situation, Cesare Geronzi claims that 'the General, like other European insurance companies operating in both life insurance and life insurance in, you were required capital increases, but there was only a temporary reduction in the dividend for 2009. Now we are going to present a satisfactory result for the year without doubt. The new year will be addressed with a strengthening and reinforcement of organizational strategies. " The hot topic is the nomination of the country manager for Italy, provided by the housekeeper, but now vacant, for which by the name of the CFO, Raffaele Agrusti . "The Board will decide," said a margin Cesare Geronzi , "I can only give a contribution at the time of decisions. Agrusti ? It 'so good it can do anything. "
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
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Postaprotezione injury offers full coverage. It allows us to play during the day, our most diverse occupations (work, leisure and household activities) with confidence and serenity.
The insurance premium is € 24.50 a month and provides coverage for accidents by 24 hours to 24 hours. The following is a card that we will further explain the services offered in relation to the sums insured.
Postaprotezione Senior Accident insurance is a once in a widespread manner to cover any likely accident, compensation cost. It is open to all who have an age range between 59 years to 79 years.
Tale proposta assicurativa eroga il compenso sia in termini economici che di tipo assistenziale.
Nel momento in cui si deve risarcire, l’assicurazione nella fase dell’indennizzo terrà conto di determinati infortuni ovvero:
- lussazioni
- fratture
- commozione cerebrale
- ustioni
Ma Postaprotezione Infortuni Senior offre in aggiunta all’indennizzo una assistenza domiciliare. Vediamo insieme quali servizi medico assistenziali ci verranno garantiti:
- infermiere domiciliare
-visita medico generico
- operatore socio-assistenziale
-reperimento consegna dei farmaci
- apparecchiature e supporti riabilitativi
The insurance premium payable is minimal, it is just € 15 per month. It can be taken without regard to any other security reports.
Here are some kind of compensation provided:
- Hip or pelvis (excluding hip or tailbone) 4000.00 €
- leg, skull, clavicle, elbow and forearm
€ 3000.00 - € 3000.00 Dislocations
- 1500.00 €
lower jaw - the second and third degree burns 4.000,00 euro
Il modellino di sottoscrizione è reperibile in qualsiasi Ufficio Postale ( reperibile anche in Download sul sito della Poste Italiana). All’interno di tale documentazione vi verranno riportate tutte le condizioni, franchigie, elenco infortuni coperti e infortuni non presi in considerazione dall’asicurazione.
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Postaprotezione incendio mutui è l’assicurazione ideale per chi intenda sia salvaguardare la propria abitazione (si può sottoscrivere anche se si è in affitto) che essere tutelato nell’eventualità che la nostra abitazione rechi danni a terzi. Vediamo insieme i vantaggi di Postaprotezione incendio mutui:
- copertura da danni cagionati water, explosion, fire or explosion
- as a person civilly liable for damages from fire, explosion, explosion or water caused to third parties. Our coverage would cover the damages caused to third parties as the damaged parts.
- Coverage of all types of natural disasters: floods, earthquakes, floods, avalanches.
Membership is easy and safe. Allowing us to live without the distressing problem of payment of the mortgage on the one hand and the concern of seeing their homes destroyed on the other.
Simply fill in the contract expressly stated the square meters of their home.
The following is a summary guideline:
for loans is scheduled the bill Postaprotezione
L 'intent that aims Postaprotezione loan is to refund the outstanding principal of a loan agreement with previously BancoPosta. Let's see what elements are necessary in order to obtain reimbursement.
- death of the applicant (remember that the guarantee in case of death is provided by Poste Vita SpA
- or permanent total disability of the applicant (equal to or greater than 60%)
Postaprotezione loan, keeping in mind the work of the applicant, allows us to benefit from an additional warranty. It protects us in case of job loss or temporary total disability. In addition, even non-workers, if struck by serious illness.
remember at last that the subscription model is readily available at any Italian post office, or downloaded via the Internet directly from the official website of the posed.
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When each of us is raise the passing of a dear , the pain generated by the disappearance is certainly very distressing. Very often we ignore also the consequential effects arising therefrom.
The disappearance of a family in turn generates economic repercussions. To remedy this unfortunate situation, one might assign to 'insurance Postapersone AffettiProtetti .. Such insurance would provide capital available immediately, so you need to rearrange our lives.
A person such as non-smoker of 35 years of age, tend to provide a contribution of 10 € per month. Assuming an average duration of ten years, would enable the family after his death to benefit from a capital of 150.000 €. It must be said that this capital is exempt from taxes and other ways to reduce capital and can be subscribed to the benefit of any person (child, spouse).
's use of that capital could be designed to ensure the ability to continue to pay a loan previously contracted. But also ensure the children go to university and build a future.
useful information about the award of the contract.
- can be taken up to the age of 60 years to a maximum principal amount of 170,000 €. This mode does not require medical examinations or complete a medical questionnaire.
- - the length of the cover is inclined to our needs for 15 to 10 years, in this case are given the opportunity to subscribe for up to 70 years of age.
- The contract provides for those who do not smoke can enjoy the premium decreases. Even those who quit smoking may benefit from a capital increase.
- The division of the annual premium by 12 ( principal amounts equal to or greater than € 1000.000) allows us to pay monthly or yearly without any increase in total freedom.
The legislation allows the government to deduct tax from the tax, saving 19% of the premium paid up to a budgeted amount of € 1291.14.
The following is a chart that shows us the share of monthly premium inherent in a capital of 150.000 €.
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Such policies are necessary to protect the harvest of each farmer and do not find economically damaged after a weather event. Therefore can be compensated by the insurance when they suffer damages due hail, frost, frost or other natural disasters which hinder the smooth running of their farming activities.
This type of insurance are very flexible and adapt well to the needs and characteristics of each agricultural enterprise. Protecting the insured at any time of the production process: from planting, the process of collection and processing of the product from storage to the point of sale. The subscription does not miss even a chance to be protected from fire damage to greenhouses and garden fruit.
Please note that the forms are provided insurance aimed specifically at those who manage a farm. Covering the risks of theft, fire, accidents, third party liability protection.
For information read the opinion of 'ASNACODI (National Association of co-defense), which argues that groups are points of contact between insurers and members. Together they are studying new forms adequate insurance which highlights the need to limit the variability of farm incomes also threatened by the volatility of market prices. So it is understandable that in the coming years, we will also be working policies on farmers' incomes.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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could quickly get the go ahead to participate in the recapitalization of Unicredit Premafin Fonsai and, in addition to Credit Suisse. Yesterday, the CEO of Cordusio Piazza, Federico Ghizzoni, confirmed that the bank is studying the dossier: "I can not make advances, we are evaluating."
According to some sources, the President may convene Dieter Rampl an extraordinary board of directors to accelerate the go ahead from the bank (of which Salvatore Ligresti is a related party as a member of the board, as well as shareholder and debtor is at the level of Premafin both boxes upstream, beginning with Synergy Holding) to participate in the underwriting syndicate Premafin 250 million (115 million guaranteed only by Groupama thanks to a shareholders' agreement with the family Ligresti) and that from 460 million Fondiaria-Sai.
The change of the original agreement Ligresti-Groupama, with the price of the increase Premafin no more than 1.1 euro but decisions on the basis of the market, has made it easier for Unicredit participate in a consortium to cover the unexercised.
The bank may in fact be on his own pay funds to a debtor. The whole operation is still sub judice: Consob ravviserà start only if a joint control over LigrestiGroupama Premafin. If, however, trigger a compulsory takeover bid and Premafin Fonsai, and perhaps also on subsidiary Milano Assicurazioni, would jump all over the floor. Yesterday, the market has punished Fonsai, -3.40% to 6.11 euro, and Premafin, -1.89% to 0.83 euro. Analysts unenforceable first accounts of the effects of the increase, structured so that Ligresti remains at 34% as originally agreed with Groupama. According
Equita Sim , the holding company led by Francesco Perilli , Premafin advisor, "assuming a 30% discount and cash out a 100 million, would Premafin to control about 35% of Fondiaria Sai 'by 'current 46%. According to Banca Leonardo, Fonsai would increase its solvency ratio from 109% to 130%. " At current prices, the target price set by Leonardo would drop from 8.1 to 7.2 euro, if it happened at a discount of 30%, the target would rise to € 6.3.
- Milano Finanza, Premafin, Unicredit board of directors at the extraordinary ok
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
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In post on November 1, I talked about the dangers of the insurance companies that ghost Stipules rc car even if utorizzate ninth.
Here is the list of those reported by ' Isvap in 2010, where to stay away:
- Ala Insurance, headquartered in Austria and direction (in Italy based in Rome, via Settecamini, 106) different from' Ala Insurance Sp.A. Group companies will be that instead duly registered and licensed with registered offices in Milan at Via Porro Lambertenghi 7;
- Aioi Motor and General Insurance Company of Europe Limited;
- Allianz Hungária Biztosító részvénytársaság;
- Arisa Assurances SA;
- Fomo Insurance;
- Generali Versicherung AG;
- Generali Belgium SA;
- HDI Direkt Versicherung AG, which has as an intermediary Fin Planet Spa;
- Insurance Company Euroins AD.
Monday, November 15, 2010
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Many people, before entering into a pension insurance contributions are used to find out about power and how to calculate their retirement in order to better decide which is the individual retirement plan that best suits their needs.
INPS in these days is faciendo prevent communications, which also contain our pin except the last character, related to the fact that to display the necessary information will be sufficient connect to the site and enter the details of our card fiscae / health.
If we were not then in possession of the tax code / health then we will call the number 803 164 and get there, follow the automated voice menu, under Location of Insurance.
Friday, November 12, 2010
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Assicurazioni Generali decided to relaunch the Generali Foundation, chaired by Cesare Geronzi that, "although in strict compliance with compatibility 'budget", aims to play a "leading role institutions in the field of utility 'social and research, in response to corporate interest and general. "This was communicated by the company in Trieste.
" It 'was decided by the competent bodies - said the company - the revival of the Generali Foundation strengthening the support and provision for the promotion of initiatives in the activities' of social and welfare activities in the 'cultural and environmental ones. It 'been identified the scope of interventions in the education sector and it' was established the possibility 'of research support and economic and financial analysis. Foundation President and 'the President of the General Cesare Geronzi . The board of directors and 'so' compound: Cesare Geronzi (Chairman), Raffaele Agrusti, Sergio Balbinot , Giovanni Perissinotto , Attilio Invernizzi, Angelo De Mattia".
"E' stato istituito - prosegue il Leone - un autorevole comitato scientifico che avra' un ruolo centrale nel perseguimento degli scopi della Fondazione. Esso dovra' predisporre i programmi annuali di attivita' dell'ente, nonche' promuovere e dirigere tali iniziative. Il presidente Cesare Geronzi ha manifestato la determinazione perche' la Fondazione, pur nel rigoroso rispetto delle compatibilita' di bilancio, svolga un ruolo di primo piano nel campo degli enti di utilita' sociali e nella ricerca, rispondendo agli interessi aziendali e generali".
Thursday, November 11, 2010
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attestation risk is that document, issued by our company insurance attesting to our history of insurance casualties had in the last 5 years and distinct claims paid, claims to property and claims of persons.
In the absence of that document assurance we will assign the final category.
obblicagata The insurance company is to issue such a document as required by Italian Law Decree 45/81, Law 39/77 and Decree changes. 175/95 implementing Directive 92/49/EC.
The company must keep at its registered office the certificate of risk.
The customer is entitled to the issue of risk by the Company at least within three working days before the contract expires. For policies online company is obliged to provide for the forwarding of the certificate of the contractor always within three days before the contractual deadline.
In most cases the risk certificate is required at the termination of your insurance policy
here to request a facsimile of our certificate of risk
Sender / Client :___________________________ __________________________________
Dear ___________
Insurance Company Headquartered in mail ________________________________
Agenzia di ___________________
Con la presente, il sottoscritto ______________________
contraente della polizza numero _______________________
richiede che gli venga rilasciata copia dell'attestato di rischio relativo alla polizza stessa.
Richide che il duplicato venga inviato al
seguente indirizzo:
Luogo e data Signature
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L ' ANIA is the association of insurance companies operating in Italy. The Association has the main role in protecting the interests of the class in respect of any business or public administration. ANIA also provides for the regulation of labor relations, to carry out all appropriate action to spread the knowledge of insurance and the working methodology of the insurance industry in Italy.
L ' ISVAP , founded in 1982, is an independent authority with its own economic independence as well as management and works to ensure the stability of the insurance market and its businesses. ISVAP watches anche sulla trasparenza dei prodotti assicurativi.
Monday, November 1, 2010
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L’aumento vertiginoso dei costi dei premi delle polizze R.C.Auto tenta più di un automobilista a guardarsi intorno alla ricerca delle soluzioni più vantaggiose per risparmiare qualche soldino e non di rado sta capitando che, il consumatore, stimolato da alcune offerte allettanti, si rivolga inconsapevolmente a sigle non autorizzate dall’ISVAP, l’Istituto di Vigilanza delle assicurazioni private.
Infatti, nel solo 2010, sono state segnalate dall’ente ben nove compagnie “fantasma” che stipulavano sul territorio nazionale polizze evidentemente fasulle. Accade, peraltro, che sigle di compagnie operanti regolarmente in Italia e correttamente autorizzate, vengano distorte and the citizen have trouble, because in case of accident will be required to pay damages with their own money because the insurance policies are not valid.
John D'Agata, a component of the Department of National Theme "Consumer Protection" of IDV and founder of the "Door of Rights, therefore calls on all drivers and car owners to check on the website ISVAP the following link https : / / / Albi / Albi / defaultImprese.jsp? = books & view = viewSet companies the presence of the company with which you have chosen to take out their policy RCAuto into the register of companies regularly recorded to avoid surprises.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
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Appeal - Press release from International School of Comics : Poster: The International School of Comics aims to promote an awareness campaign to defend the work of all designers of comics. Since we are in daily contact with many professionals, we have collected their thoughts and we do spokeswoman their discontent. Like them, we believe it is necessary to change a bad habit that has been consolidated over the years: the comic is an art, but in Italy suffers from a cultural devaluation, despite the ability dei disegnatori italiani. Anche questo può aver contribuito a far nascere una falsa idea del lavoro dei disegnatori del fumetto, diffondendo la convinzione che la loro opera abbia minore dignità rispetto a quella di altri artisti. Sempre più spesso i disegnatori si sentono traditi nel loro entusiasmo di condividere il loro lavoro con i fan. Ecco la principale fonte di malcontento tra i disegnatori: alle fiere regalano infaticabilmente la loro professionalità e la loro arte per poi vederla svenduta su internet: spesso vediamo disegni “svenduti” anche per 5 euro, in questo modo anche il talento del disegnatore è svalutato. Tutto il loro lavoro, la loro esperienza, la loro fatica vengono svenduti per niente. This running parallel to that in which a designer has to answer humiliating questions like, "Who are you? What comics did you do? Ah! Then I do a drawing? "And then maybe see the crumpled sheet somewhere because in the end it was not that important. The International School of Comics wants to serve and support the designers in a revolution of this system detracts from their professionalism, to try to give due weight to their art. We urge all those who share this thought and who intend to actively support each other in this battle of education, to sign this document to make their voices heard and to refuse in events to come, to lend their works for free. From now on whoever wants a design will have a fee or after buying the publishing of the drawings. The International School of Comics for its part, will undertake to circulate this document and then send it to the media, the organizers of trade fairs and publishing houses, its students and all those who follow the activities of school because those who share I can agree. To kick-start this new trend, we at the International School of Comics, at Lucca Comics ask our teachers to expose their price when they will draw for fans at our booth. And ask them to apply without fear rates they set. The campaign saw Eleonora Trigari the contribution of the lawyer, who is in favor of the poster. Eleanor is a Milanese lawyer experienced in copyright, which lends his work with artists all over the country. Below you can read his contribution: "Very properly, the International School of Comics uses the term" cultural devaluation. " Sequential art in Italy he is not granted adequate artistic value, as happens in other countries. Nevertheless the study, the passion and dedication behind the works to comics. Consider that in Italy the balloon does not have even a specific legislative protection. There is a reform proposal to introduce a scheme for ad hoc works in comics, but it is a project still stalled (Bill No. 3298 of the Senate, XIV term, "protection of the right ' author of works in comics "- to the President on 11 February 2005 -). It would be of great importance to reform, among other things, for a value in itself recognition of espresso, including legislative, comics as an art form. The consequences of the cultural devaluation sequential dell''arte are manifold. First, it affects, in negativo, sulle condizioni lavorative dei disegnatori. Basti pensare agli innumerevoli contratti a progetto che mal celano rapporti di lavoro subordinato e che i disegnatori, soprattutto i giovani artisti, si trovano “costretti” a sottoscrivere pur di poter lavorare. Oppure al mancato riconoscimento della proprietà degli originali delle tavole da parte delle case editrici. Gli stessi disegnatori sono direttamente vittime della svalutazione culturale dell’arte sequenziale, in quanto molto spesso non sono consapevoli dei diritti loro spettanti e non sono quindi in grado di tutelarli. Ne è un esempio palpabile il fatto che molti pensano che una volta firmato il contratto di edizione tutti i diritti di autore si transfer automatically to the publishing house, but not necessarily so. This requires the drawn first to loudly assert the dignity of their artistic works and the value of their work and who are actively committed to the protection of their rights, must first become aware of them. All those who care about art and culture should support, because all that does not promote the dissemination of art and culture itself is negative from a social perspective. "Attorney Eleanor Trigari.
article copied from
Friday, October 22, 2010
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Night is interesting.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
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"For the financial year looming interesting results, in-depth evaluation." It 'as said Cesare Geronzi, the chairman of General , speaking to employees during a visit to the headquarters of Mogliano Veneto.
"We are taking care of an organizational review - continued Cesare Geronzi referring to the international survey commissioned by the Trieste group companies' consultancy Boston Consulting Group - which is specifically aimed at enhancing the wealth of resources human, to improve efficiency, accelerate decision-making procedures in the interests first of all of our customers, beginning with the fall in response times. A short
- continued Cesare Geronzi - we will evaluate the first results of the analysis and begin designing the consequences in terms of functional organization.
(from bank mergers, Cesare Geronzi: interesting results for 2010 Generali )
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
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L'assicurazione sui viaggi copre sia le malattie contratte in viaggio che gli eventuali infortuni . Le malattie prese in viaggio derivano solitamente dal fatto che i nostri anticorpi non sono abituati ai germi diffusi in altri paesi. Spesso anzi non riconoscono questi batteri come nocivi ed è proprio per questo che ci ammaliamo. Gli infortuni invece possono essere di vario genere.
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Grazie all'assicurazione sui viaggi queste spese possono essere rimborsate. Usually the insurance contract provides for a maximum reimbursement for each type of claim. The costs of hospitalization does not always fall into this coverage unless they are the result of emergency measures and particularly critical.
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The third year di Comics è iniziato seriamente xD sto tutto il giorno a disegnare, non succedeva da tanto..
I'm lacking time!! çAç
art trade with a friend
piece of a collaboration xD
ustream didn't work properly ç.ç' then i changed in camtasia
Satoshi Kon tribute, for an expo that will take place at Lucca comics&games convention, it's a lovely initiative ♥
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Does Socialism Need To Be Capitalized
The news, relayed by several blogs , arrived and confirmed the worst. It will remain concealed for obvious reasons, although we can circulate it on the Net . If you are insecure to know that you will not receive the pension . contributions you are paying to serve only those who pay the pension have it guaranteed . Why INPS should hide this truth is obvious: to prevent the uprising. This was stated by the analysts are not revolutionaries and left, but the president of the pension fund, Antonio Mastropasqua, as he writes Agoravox , has finally answered those who asked why the temporary Social Security does not provide the simulation of their pension future as it does with other workers: "If we give the simulation of quasi-employees pension risk a social upheaval."
Intrage writes that the announcement was made during a conference: the main news was supposed to be that INPS will send next week, about 4 million letters to the quasi-employees, after those sent in July to employees to explain how to consult the online personal insurance status. To verify, that is, contributions that are paid.
The second news is that you can not, for the quasi-employees, on the same site to simulate what should be his retirement, as it can already do the employees. The reason for this difference seems to have been explained by Mastrapasqua just with that line. To say, in other words, if the various partners, consultants, project workers, employment contract, entered in separate management INPS, ie the quasi-employees, were aware of the truth, could seriously upset. And the truth is that with contribution system, treatments completed by contractors and consultants often do not reach the minimum pension .
The precarious, as the quasi-employees are called for INPS the "entrepreneurs of themselves" created by neoliberal policies, the board will not . Pagano contributions unnecessarily or rather, because they pay Social Security can pay the pension accrued to those who . For the quasi-employees pension does not arrive at the minimum, even if the quasi-subordinate will succeed in his career, not to lose even one year of contributions.
The only system that the INPS has found to face the bitter truth, was to hide to workers in their future retirement there will be , hoping that realize that as late as possible and make less mess as possible.
So we pay our contributions that do not meet again in the form of pension. If we react now, perhaps, we still have the hope of a minimum pension.
(from )
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Franchise Agreement Pdf
Riporto un articolo utile, in questo periodo di crisi:
"Deval, al società per la distribuzione dell'energia elettrica in Val d'Aosta, ha preparato una lista di dieci consigli per un uso dell'energia elettric a corretto e intelligente . Seguendoli, si dovrebbe potere risparmaire sulla bolletta . Vediamoli:
1. Televisore, videoregistratore, lettore dvd e computer
ricordati di spegnere gli apparecchi con il pulsante e non solo con il telecomando, gli apparecchi in stand-by continuano a consumare energia. Cerca di tenere acceso un solo apparecchio per tutta la famiglia.
2. Lampade ad alta efficienza energetica
Choose low energy light bulbs, especially in environments where the light stays on longer, can reduce energy consumption by 80% compared to traditional incandescent lamps. Remember to turn off the lights when not needed.
3. Conditioner
Turn the air conditioner only in cases of real need and adjust the thermostat to temperatures not much different from the outside.
4. Electric oven
not open the oven frequently during cooking, preheat the oven only when necessary and turn off just before the end of cooking to take advantage of residual heat
5. Microwave oven
The microwave is more its fuel efficiency than a traditional oven, as it significantly faster in the kitchen.
6. Refrigerator
Avoid unnecessary and frequent door openings; place the appliance in the kitchen cooler and away from stoves, heaters, and leave at least 10 cm away from the wall for ventilation.
7. Dishwasher
You run the unit at full load, use the least possible intensive cycle, rather than remove the larger food from the dishes that could clog the filter and decrease The effectiveness of the wash.
8. Hairdryer
being used in average temperatures, high temperatures are increasing consumption and are not good for hair.
9. Washing
Use the device always at full load and not too high temperatures (30-60 ° C). If you have a model with automatic drying, try to use it only when you can not remove the laundry.
10. Heaters
not hold on the water heater when you need it, you can install a timer to put into operation three hours before use. "
(from, Ten Ways to Save energy at home )
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
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roport blog by Fabio Barnetta Article Paolo Scaroni raises the question the fees are too high to managers .
Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Eni and member of the board of the General Cesare Geronzi , raised the issue of compensation for managers, increased disproportionately in recent years.
"In recent years, the remuneration of managers have increased" disproportionately. "Among the officers and committees remuneration" has' created a closed circuit and that is' powered '. Paolo Scaroni, CEO of 'Eni, highlights the problem of senior managers' compensation, which increased enormously in recent years. participating in a conference on the subject organized by the Istud Ambrosianeum Foundation and the Foundation in Milan, Paolo Scaroni explained that "the remuneration of managers should be more proportionate." And in Italy the problem 'and' even more 'serious' cause the manager often coincides with the shareholder. " Paolo Scaroni then cited the case of Global, a group that can 'act as a benchmark Italian. Paolo Scaroni, which is' also a member of the board of the insurance group, said that "we have come to define a mechanism A system that provides an array of co-investment manager to azionistiIl manager, said Paolo Scaroni , "takes the annual bonus e li investe in azioni Generali e dopo un certo numero di anni puo' avere in regalo azioni, tante se ha fatto bene e zero se ha fatto male. Si tratta certamente - ha concluso - di un meccanismo sano"."
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Ideas To Decorate A Cheesecake
Riporto un articolo atteso per chi è interessato alle agevolazioni fiscali del 55% per il risparmio energetico.
"“Il Governo e gli strumenti a disposizione delle imprese per superare la crisi”. Questo il titolo dell’intervento dell’on. Luigi Casero, sottosegretario all’Economia e Finanze, all’Assemblea generale di Uncsaal tenutasi sabato 2 ottobre 2010 all’Auditorium Giò Ponti di Assolombarda. Si è trattato di un intervento ad ampio respiro sui problemi di rilancio dell’economia e delle imprese e il loro (tormentato) rapporto con gli incentivi di vario genere e, più in generale, con la fiscalità. Evidentemente l’attesa era tutta per quanto Casero avrebbe dichiarato sulla proroga dei benefici fiscali del 55% oltre il 2010.
E l’attesa non è stata vana. In sostanza, il 55% si può prorogare. Anche perché il 55%, e questo il sottosegretario l’ha dichiarato pubblicamente, la misura dei benefici fiscali per il risparmio energetico è stata utile, molto più utile di altri benefici fiscali."
(dal blog di Luigi Vianello )
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Masterbation And Chickenpox
The National Institute of Social Security applies a series of calculations to determine the 'amount of our retirement. Today, the current pension system is to calculate contributions although, as we shall see, in some cases apply the calculation of salary and mixed.
This count is different on the basis of ' contributory pension accrued at December 31, 1995. But let us see how it applies to calculate pension contributions:
a) Firstly, the application is related to workers without seniority contributions to 01/01/1996. All contributions will be considered in the life of the worker. The applicability of the calculation will take account of four charges.: Deciphering
with maximum care and accuracy the amount of annual earnings of the worker is that it is a self-employed or quasi-subordinate employee;
then the calculation shall take into consideration the calculation of annual contributions on the basis of 'statutory rate (33% per employee, 20% self-employed, 19.70 per employee, latter' s may be an increase to 20% if the income exceeds € 39,297 per year).
b) Then calculate the column which is obtained with the addition of social security contributions for each year worked. Must be taken into account the appreciation in relation to annual rate of capitalization (determined by the average five-year change in gross domestic product).
c) Then apply to the post got its coefficient that takes into consideration the 'age of retirement, we quote below the relevant coefficients of applicability:
ETA' 57 coefficient is 4.720%
ETA '58 coefficient is 4.860%
ETA' 59 coefficient is 5.006%
ETA '60 coefficient is 5.163%
ETA '61 coefficient is 5.334%
ETA' 62 coefficient is 5.514%
ETA '63 coefficient is 5.706%
ETA' 64 coefficient is 5.911%
ETA '65 coefficient is 6.136%
pay system
With regard to the pay system, first of all the applicability cha refers to those possessing at least 18 years of contributions to 31/12/1995.
In this case we will proceed to take the average wage (if employed), income (if self-employed) for the last working years.
To perform this calculation based on the pay system, it will consider three essential elements:
a) Seniority pay: represented by all certified by the employee contribution (expressed also in his account contributions). Will not be considered if such contributions are compulsory contributions or not, or whether they are figurative or under repurchase contributory .
b) After determining the average salary (or income ) collected in the last working years. Which will be applied indexes istat predetermined annually.
c) will apply the 'rate corresponding to 2% of wages or income derived, taking into account that the above is applied to income not exceeding € 39,297 per year although it will decrease the amount for the older ages. From this we infer that if we calculate a pension with 35 years of pension contributions that we get will have a value of 70% of its earnings, however, if we were to draw a pension on 40 years of contributions the pension is equivalent to '80% of salary (making reference to the average of the last wage).
This type of pay system takes consideration in two parts: The first is the basis
seniority pay (acquired 31/12/1992). Expressed as the arithmetic average of the earnings (income or earnings) over the last five animals (260 weeks last pre-retirement).
The second tranche will take account of the contributory pension accrued to 01/01/1993. Or at the date of retirement. This time, the arithmetic mean is calculated on wages or income
if an employee on the last 10 years and over the last 15 years if self-employed. The
mixed system applies only to those who possess less than 18 years of contribution to 31/12/1995. In this type of calculation for mixed define the board will apply the pay system in part on seniority pay accrued to 31/12/1995, and still partially contributory system with regard to the contributory pension accrued to 01/01/1996.
be treated as a final factor accounted for those with a pension contribution of at least 15 years (after 5 of them pleasant to 1995), the possibility that their pension makes use of contribution-based only.
White Grecian Promdress
Sto aggiornando pochissimo.. u_ù in realtà sto lavorando a diversi disegni, tutti cominciati, nessuno finito... E quelli finiti per ora devono restare inediti.. *sigh*
Penso che d'ora in poi le cose rilevanti le scriverò anche in inglese :3
thanks everyone for following me!
Commission done at the beginning of this summer
These are references and features of an illustration done for *secret*, i'll probably reveal in October-November.