Formula for calculating the pension Inps
The National Institute of Social Security applies a series of calculations to determine the 'amount of our retirement. Today, the current pension system is to calculate contributions although, as we shall see, in some cases apply the calculation of salary and mixed.
This count is different on the basis of ' contributory pension accrued at December 31, 1995. But let us see how it applies to calculate pension contributions:
a) Firstly, the application is related to workers without seniority contributions to 01/01/1996. All contributions will be considered in the life of the worker. The applicability of the calculation will take account of four charges.: Deciphering
with maximum care and accuracy the amount of annual earnings of the worker is that it is a self-employed or quasi-subordinate employee;
then the calculation shall take into consideration the calculation of annual contributions on the basis of 'statutory rate (33% per employee, 20% self-employed, 19.70 per employee, latter' s may be an increase to 20% if the income exceeds € 39,297 per year).
b) Then calculate the column which is obtained with the addition of social security contributions for each year worked. Must be taken into account the appreciation in relation to annual rate of capitalization (determined by the average five-year change in gross domestic product).
c) Then apply to the post got its coefficient that takes into consideration the 'age of retirement, we quote below the relevant coefficients of applicability:
ETA' 57 coefficient is 4.720%
ETA '58 coefficient is 4.860%
ETA' 59 coefficient is 5.006%
ETA '60 coefficient is 5.163%
ETA '61 coefficient is 5.334%
ETA' 62 coefficient is 5.514%
ETA '63 coefficient is 5.706%
ETA' 64 coefficient is 5.911%
ETA '65 coefficient is 6.136%
pay system
With regard to the pay system, first of all the applicability cha refers to those possessing at least 18 years of contributions to 31/12/1995.
In this case we will proceed to take the average wage (if employed), income (if self-employed) for the last working years.
To perform this calculation based on the pay system, it will consider three essential elements:
a) Seniority pay: represented by all certified by the employee contribution (expressed also in his account contributions). Will not be considered if such contributions are compulsory contributions or not, or whether they are figurative or under repurchase contributory .
b) After determining the average salary (or income ) collected in the last working years. Which will be applied indexes istat predetermined annually.
c) will apply the 'rate corresponding to 2% of wages or income derived, taking into account that the above is applied to income not exceeding € 39,297 per year although it will decrease the amount for the older ages. From this we infer that if we calculate a pension with 35 years of pension contributions that we get will have a value of 70% of its earnings, however, if we were to draw a pension on 40 years of contributions the pension is equivalent to '80% of salary (making reference to the average of the last wage).
This type of pay system takes consideration in two parts: The first is the basis
seniority pay (acquired 31/12/1992). Expressed as the arithmetic average of the earnings (income or earnings) over the last five animals (260 weeks last pre-retirement).
The second tranche will take account of the contributory pension accrued to 01/01/1993. Or at the date of retirement. This time, the arithmetic mean is calculated on wages or income
if an employee on the last 10 years and over the last 15 years if self-employed. The
mixed system applies only to those who possess less than 18 years of contribution to 31/12/1995. In this type of calculation for mixed define the board will apply the pay system in part on seniority pay accrued to 31/12/1995, and still partially contributory system with regard to the contributory pension accrued to 01/01/1996.
be treated as a final factor accounted for those with a pension contribution of at least 15 years (after 5 of them pleasant to 1995), the possibility that their pension makes use of contribution-based only.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
White Grecian Promdress
Sto aggiornando pochissimo.. u_ù in realtà sto lavorando a diversi disegni, tutti cominciati, nessuno finito... E quelli finiti per ora devono restare inediti.. *sigh*
Penso che d'ora in poi le cose rilevanti le scriverò anche in inglese :3
thanks everyone for following me!
Commission done at the beginning of this summer
These are references and features of an illustration done for *secret*, i'll probably reveal in October-November.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Oval Eclipse Difference
how a life insurance policy home mortgage Policy
dental insurance is a type of insurance contract that provides for monthly payment of a sum of money called the premium from the customer alla'agenzia insurance. Due to the premium the customer can obtain an annuity or a lump sum at a specified time or after a particular event. There are four subjects that come into play in the life insurance policy:-
the insurance company-the
contractor or the person who has contracted with the insurance company
-l ' assured that he who that must be given event-
the beneficiary or the person who is entitled to receive insurance money
The premium to the insurance company may be in the final contract in a lump sum or through periodic payments, usually monthly. Some policies provide for the suddivisione del pagamento in rate ma non necessariamente a cadenza periodica. Questa tipologia di polizza è ovviamente molto vantaggiosa. La sua flessibilità infatti la rende perfetta per qualsiasi situazione economica.
Il cliente deve decidere in fase contrattuale se preferisce ottenere una rendita oppure un capitale . Quando alla fine della scadenza del contratto il cliente riceve una somma in denaro in un'unica soluzione si dice cha ha ottenuto un capitale. Quando alla fine del contratto il cliente riceve una somma in denaro versata mensilmente per il resto della sua vita si dice cha ha ottenuto una rendita.
Le polizze sulla vita hanno solitamente una clausola sul caso di morte . In caso di decesso del cliente prima della scadenza del contratto la somma in denaro, sia essa un capitale o una rendita, deve essere versata agli altri beneficiari dell'assicurazione.
Approfondisci con: Riscatto e riduzione di una polizza vita
Assicurazione vita formula mista
Aggravamento del rischio di una polizza vita o sanitaria
Polizza vita rivalutabile
dental insurance is a type of insurance contract that provides for monthly payment of a sum of money called the premium from the customer alla'agenzia insurance. Due to the premium the customer can obtain an annuity or a lump sum at a specified time or after a particular event. There are four subjects that come into play in the life insurance policy:-
the insurance company-the
contractor or the person who has contracted with the insurance company
-l ' assured that he who that must be given event-
the beneficiary or the person who is entitled to receive insurance money
The premium to the insurance company may be in the final contract in a lump sum or through periodic payments, usually monthly. Some policies provide for the suddivisione del pagamento in rate ma non necessariamente a cadenza periodica. Questa tipologia di polizza è ovviamente molto vantaggiosa. La sua flessibilità infatti la rende perfetta per qualsiasi situazione economica.
Il cliente deve decidere in fase contrattuale se preferisce ottenere una rendita oppure un capitale . Quando alla fine della scadenza del contratto il cliente riceve una somma in denaro in un'unica soluzione si dice cha ha ottenuto un capitale. Quando alla fine del contratto il cliente riceve una somma in denaro versata mensilmente per il resto della sua vita si dice cha ha ottenuto una rendita.
Le polizze sulla vita hanno solitamente una clausola sul caso di morte . In caso di decesso del cliente prima della scadenza del contratto la somma in denaro, sia essa un capitale o una rendita, deve essere versata agli altri beneficiari dell'assicurazione.
Approfondisci con: Riscatto e riduzione di una polizza vita
Assicurazione vita formula mista
Aggravamento del rischio di una polizza vita o sanitaria
Polizza vita rivalutabile
Monday, September 13, 2010
Pepper Costume Handmade
fire and explosion.
Il mutuo per l'acquisto della casa è il finanziamento più grande che un cliente privato possa ricevere da una banca. Ciò è ovviamente dovuto all'elevato valore di un immobile. L' incendio oppure lo scoppio causato da fughe di gas sono eventi che may affect this value. Such events are rare but possible and for this reason must always be taken into account.
insurance in case of fire or explosion is a form of protection that banks often require to those who open a mortgage. The basic formula usually required for the payment of a premium small that it is around 60 or € 80 per month. Other terms such as the loss or damage to nearby houses furniture may increase the premium but they are optional clauses.
As for the apartments in condominiums Monthly bills are almost never considered sufficient by the banks. In the event that the policy condominium is accompanied by a bond in its favor because the situation is different in this case the bank has the necessary protection. But this is rare because it's difficult to accept a clause other blocks of this type. And 'necessary in those cases to conclude a parallel bill specifically "dedicated" to the mortgage. This is a win-win for only the insurance company but through it you can get a loan application to exist positive.
More All with mortgage insurance
Il mutuo per l'acquisto della casa è il finanziamento più grande che un cliente privato possa ricevere da una banca. Ciò è ovviamente dovuto all'elevato valore di un immobile. L' incendio oppure lo scoppio causato da fughe di gas sono eventi che may affect this value. Such events are rare but possible and for this reason must always be taken into account.
insurance in case of fire or explosion is a form of protection that banks often require to those who open a mortgage. The basic formula usually required for the payment of a premium small that it is around 60 or € 80 per month. Other terms such as the loss or damage to nearby houses furniture may increase the premium but they are optional clauses.
As for the apartments in condominiums Monthly bills are almost never considered sufficient by the banks. In the event that the policy condominium is accompanied by a bond in its favor because the situation is different in this case the bank has the necessary protection. But this is rare because it's difficult to accept a clause other blocks of this type. And 'necessary in those cases to conclude a parallel bill specifically "dedicated" to the mortgage. This is a win-win for only the insurance company but through it you can get a loan application to exist positive.
More All with mortgage insurance
Clonk Rage Custom Problem
active radar guidance Programme of Post
active radar guidance program is a financial product-unit-linked insurance guaranteed capital that allows to exploit tutti i vantaggi del principali mercati finanziari ottenendo così un grado di redditività elevato e una sicurezza maggiore. Il programma guida attiva radar ha una durata di circa 7 anni. L'investimento minimo necessario per sottoscrivere questo programma è di 1.500 €.
Il capitale investito dal cliente viene gestito in modo attivo dalla Barclays Bank plc, uno dei più grandi gruppi finanziari del mondo, che converte il capitale in azioni del fondo radar. La gestione avviene avvalendosi di una gamma davvero molto vasta di mercati e strumenti finanziari in modo da poter operare sui mercati internazionali riuscendo però sempre a garantire la restituzione del capitale a scadenza. La restituzione del capitale è infatti garantita al 100% and it is also possible the total redemption at any time without additional costs to the current value of the action.
It also ensured the highest possible degree of transparency because the value of investments can be monitored on a daily Il Sole 24 Ore on the website or by Poste Vita.
E 'Finally, you can change beneficiaries at any time of the contract. It 'important to remember that in the event of death of the insured in a time when the value of the shares is lower than the premium has been paid to the beneficiaries only get the value of the premium paid which must be added, in cases where the death take place in an automobile accident, the insurance premium paid.
Leggi anche:
- Pensione integrativa con le poste
- PostaFuturo Multiutile
Postafuturo Certo
active radar guidance program is a financial product-unit-linked insurance guaranteed capital that allows to exploit tutti i vantaggi del principali mercati finanziari ottenendo così un grado di redditività elevato e una sicurezza maggiore. Il programma guida attiva radar ha una durata di circa 7 anni. L'investimento minimo necessario per sottoscrivere questo programma è di 1.500 €.
Il capitale investito dal cliente viene gestito in modo attivo dalla Barclays Bank plc, uno dei più grandi gruppi finanziari del mondo, che converte il capitale in azioni del fondo radar. La gestione avviene avvalendosi di una gamma davvero molto vasta di mercati e strumenti finanziari in modo da poter operare sui mercati internazionali riuscendo però sempre a garantire la restituzione del capitale a scadenza. La restituzione del capitale è infatti garantita al 100% and it is also possible the total redemption at any time without additional costs to the current value of the action.
It also ensured the highest possible degree of transparency because the value of investments can be monitored on a daily Il Sole 24 Ore on the website or by Poste Vita.
E 'Finally, you can change beneficiaries at any time of the contract. It 'important to remember that in the event of death of the insured in a time when the value of the shares is lower than the premium has been paid to the beneficiaries only get the value of the premium paid which must be added, in cases where the death take place in an automobile accident, the insurance premium paid.
Leggi anche:
- Pensione integrativa con le poste
- PostaFuturo Multiutile
Postafuturo Certo
Tight Undergarment Genitals
Postaprevidenza pension supplement items
Postaprevidenza valore è una pensione integrativa individuale pensata per coloro che vogliono aumentare la loro stabilità economica futura. Postaprevidenza valore può essere richiesta da tutti i correntisti BancoPosta.
Postaprevidenza valore è un prodotto personalizzabile al cento per cento che permette di accantonare mese dopo mese somme di denaro anche molto piccole e non necessariamente in modo costante. I versamenti possono infatti essere sospesi in qualsiasi momenti e ripresi in un secondo tempo. L'importo del premio payable can also be changed after the first year and you can make additional voluntary contributions also to integrate those agreed under the contract.
The amount of money set aside is revalued annually so going to be a monthly income that will be credited directly to the following bank account from the time the customer decides to retire. The money thus obtained can also alternatively be embedded in a lump sum usually up to 50% of the shares acquired. In some cases, under certain legal conditions, you may also be able to collect the total amount of capital accumulated.
In the event of death to the heirs of the customer has the capital accrued up to that date for a minimum value equal to the capital that was invested plus a percentage of 1, 5% annually.
Postaprevidenza value does not provide for any payments made cost
flows derived from contributions paid by the employer
anticipation, redemption, transfer
Postaprevidenza valore è una pensione integrativa individuale pensata per coloro che vogliono aumentare la loro stabilità economica futura. Postaprevidenza valore può essere richiesta da tutti i correntisti BancoPosta.
Postaprevidenza valore è un prodotto personalizzabile al cento per cento che permette di accantonare mese dopo mese somme di denaro anche molto piccole e non necessariamente in modo costante. I versamenti possono infatti essere sospesi in qualsiasi momenti e ripresi in un secondo tempo. L'importo del premio payable can also be changed after the first year and you can make additional voluntary contributions also to integrate those agreed under the contract.
The amount of money set aside is revalued annually so going to be a monthly income that will be credited directly to the following bank account from the time the customer decides to retire. The money thus obtained can also alternatively be embedded in a lump sum usually up to 50% of the shares acquired. In some cases, under certain legal conditions, you may also be able to collect the total amount of capital accumulated.
In the event of death to the heirs of the customer has the capital accrued up to that date for a minimum value equal to the capital that was invested plus a percentage of 1, 5% annually.
Postaprevidenza value does not provide for any payments made cost
flows derived from contributions paid by the employer
anticipation, redemption, transfer
Condolence Quotes For Loss Of Father
Post Multifunctional future guaranteed minimum return
Post Multifunctional future is a product that allows you to invest their capital in safely thanks to the guarantee of a minimum guaranteed return . Thanks to E Multifunctional future you can get a greater economic security for their future and that of their children and grandchildren.
The new capital is invested in the Separate Post Offices ValorePiù of Life which is mainly engaged in investment in government securities and bonds. Multifunctional future post for a period of 20 years but the revalued capital may be required at any time after one year from the contract at no additional cost whatsoever. The required capital can be total or partial. The partial request at a cost of 26 € and can be done only once a year.
the expiry of the contract the customer may choose to take the entire capital revalued
get an annuity for himself or a third person rivalutatile
Post futuro multiutile è un prodotto flessibile che permette di personalizzare il proprio piano di versamenti. Le tipologie di premi in cui è possibile investire
premi unici con un minimo di 2.500 €
premi unici e premi periodici con un minimo di 600 € annuali attraverso il pagamento di rate mensili di 50 €
premi periodici
premi volontari aggiuntivi di minimo 500 € l'uno
Posta futuro mulitutile offre anche delle garanzie aggiuntive che entrano in vigore dopo l'ottantesimo anno di età permettendo
di ottenere un capitale raddoppiato in caso di infortunio che abbia come conseguenza il decesso del cliente o la sua invalidità totale e permanente
di ottenere un capitale tripled in the event of death following a car accident
E 'can change at any time the beneficiaries of the investment which are responsible for the death of the client the total sum insured tax-free.
See also:
- pension supplement items
Postafuturo course Post
Post Multifunctional future is a product that allows you to invest their capital in safely thanks to the guarantee of a minimum guaranteed return . Thanks to E Multifunctional future you can get a greater economic security for their future and that of their children and grandchildren.
The new capital is invested in the Separate Post Offices ValorePiù of Life which is mainly engaged in investment in government securities and bonds. Multifunctional future post for a period of 20 years but the revalued capital may be required at any time after one year from the contract at no additional cost whatsoever. The required capital can be total or partial. The partial request at a cost of 26 € and can be done only once a year.
the expiry of the contract the customer may choose to take the entire capital revalued
get an annuity for himself or a third person rivalutatile
Post futuro multiutile è un prodotto flessibile che permette di personalizzare il proprio piano di versamenti. Le tipologie di premi in cui è possibile investire
premi unici con un minimo di 2.500 €
premi unici e premi periodici con un minimo di 600 € annuali attraverso il pagamento di rate mensili di 50 €
premi periodici
premi volontari aggiuntivi di minimo 500 € l'uno
Posta futuro mulitutile offre anche delle garanzie aggiuntive che entrano in vigore dopo l'ottantesimo anno di età permettendo
di ottenere un capitale raddoppiato in caso di infortunio che abbia come conseguenza il decesso del cliente o la sua invalidità totale e permanente
di ottenere un capitale tripled in the event of death following a car accident
E 'can change at any time the beneficiaries of the investment which are responsible for the death of the client the total sum insured tax-free.
See also:
- pension supplement items
Postafuturo course
Images Of Early Hiv Rash
secure future is the insurance solution ideal for higher security. The minimum capital required to open some Postafuturo is 2,500 €, but during his life can also make additional voluntary payments of at least 500 €. The paid-up capital is invested in securities di Stato e obbligazioni che lo rivalutano anno dopo anno. Grazie a questi investimenti viene garantito un rendimento minimo annuo.
La durata di Postafuturo certo è di dieci anni ma è possibile ottenere la restituzione del capitale in qualsiasi momento e senza costi aggiuntivi anche solo dopo un anno dal contratto. La restituzione del capitale può essere totale oppure parziale purché l'importo del capitale rimanente sia si minimo 3.000 €.
Alla fine del contratto il cliente può scegliere tra due opzioni:
ottenere il totale del capitale rivalutato
ottenere una rendita vitalizia mensile rivalutatile
I beneficiari del contratto possono essere modificati in qualsiasi momento. In case of death of the client has the capital to the beneficiaries assessed until then that can not be less than the paid-up capital.
See also:
- pension supplement items
- Multifunctional PostaFuturo
secure future is the insurance solution ideal for higher security. The minimum capital required to open some Postafuturo is 2,500 €, but during his life can also make additional voluntary payments of at least 500 €. The paid-up capital is invested in securities di Stato e obbligazioni che lo rivalutano anno dopo anno. Grazie a questi investimenti viene garantito un rendimento minimo annuo.
La durata di Postafuturo certo è di dieci anni ma è possibile ottenere la restituzione del capitale in qualsiasi momento e senza costi aggiuntivi anche solo dopo un anno dal contratto. La restituzione del capitale può essere totale oppure parziale purché l'importo del capitale rimanente sia si minimo 3.000 €.
Alla fine del contratto il cliente può scegliere tra due opzioni:
ottenere il totale del capitale rivalutato
ottenere una rendita vitalizia mensile rivalutatile
I beneficiari del contratto possono essere modificati in qualsiasi momento. In case of death of the client has the capital to the beneficiaries assessed until then that can not be less than the paid-up capital.
See also:
- pension supplement items
- Multifunctional PostaFuturo
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Read Yaoi Older Brother Shotacon
secure future Retirement home. INPS pension funds to housewives
The pension for housewives occurs through the social funds set up to allow casalighe, both female and male, of have a pension for his work in the home. These funds can
enroll men and women who have over 65 years of age who are not already in possession of other pensions and not performing work activities or self-employed full-time. The pension fund for housewives INPS is in fact compatible with a part-time job.
The policy provides for monthly payments amount to free from € 25.82. Imposes no limit to the maximum amount paid and the monthly payment will be calculated merely on the basis importo/25, 82.
then pay us € 120.00 will be counted four months of contributions being the result of 120.00 / 25.82 4.64 and having to take account only of any desired integers.
We also decide to pay contributions for past years.
Contributions (all) are tax deductible to 100%.
you can begin to be retired between 64 and 57 years anni se abbiamo versato almeno 60 mensilità di contributi e se l'assegno di pensione che ne deriva è maggiorato almeno del 20% dell'assegno sociale oppure a 65 anni fermo restando il requisito dei 5 anni di contributi.
Facciamo un esempio pratico e immaginiamo di essere nati nel 1955 e di versare i contributi dal 1997 al 2009 in occorrenza della richiesta di iscrizione.
Versando per gli anni passati 700 euro annui e versando la medesima cifra per i prossimi anni a 65 anni avremo diritto a 1.546,24 di pensione annui.
sett. 2010
Vedi anche: assicurazione casalinghe
Fondi pensione
The pension for housewives occurs through the social funds set up to allow casalighe, both female and male, of have a pension for his work in the home. These funds can
enroll men and women who have over 65 years of age who are not already in possession of other pensions and not performing work activities or self-employed full-time. The pension fund for housewives INPS is in fact compatible with a part-time job.
The policy provides for monthly payments amount to free from € 25.82. Imposes no limit to the maximum amount paid and the monthly payment will be calculated merely on the basis importo/25, 82.
then pay us € 120.00 will be counted four months of contributions being the result of 120.00 / 25.82 4.64 and having to take account only of any desired integers.
We also decide to pay contributions for past years.
Contributions (all) are tax deductible to 100%.
you can begin to be retired between 64 and 57 years anni se abbiamo versato almeno 60 mensilità di contributi e se l'assegno di pensione che ne deriva è maggiorato almeno del 20% dell'assegno sociale oppure a 65 anni fermo restando il requisito dei 5 anni di contributi.
Facciamo un esempio pratico e immaginiamo di essere nati nel 1955 e di versare i contributi dal 1997 al 2009 in occorrenza della richiesta di iscrizione.
Versando per gli anni passati 700 euro annui e versando la medesima cifra per i prossimi anni a 65 anni avremo diritto a 1.546,24 di pensione annui.
sett. 2010
Vedi anche: assicurazione casalinghe
Fondi pensione
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tyffany Granath On Night Calls
GROUPAMA incorporated Italian company and TCM
Groupama is a French company that works mainly in insurance and financial services worldwide and is present in Italy for almost 130 years. The group Groupama
includes: Groupama Assicurazioni Spa, Groupama Vita SpA, Groupama and Groupama SGR SpA SIM SpA
The tour of the company's average annual turnover is around € 10 billion over
princialmente The group operates in Europe and the center and South Asia.
Groupama and Groupama Assicurazioni SpA LIFE
Guidubaldo Via del Monte, 45 CAP 00197 ROMA Tel 2006 809 741
Groupama is a French company that works mainly in insurance and financial services worldwide and is present in Italy for almost 130 years. The group Groupama
includes: Groupama Assicurazioni Spa, Groupama Vita SpA, Groupama and Groupama SGR SpA SIM SpA
The tour of the company's average annual turnover is around € 10 billion over
princialmente The group operates in Europe and the center and South Asia.
Groupama and Groupama Assicurazioni SpA LIFE
Guidubaldo Via del Monte, 45 CAP 00197 ROMA Tel 2006 809 741
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Prewgnancy Tempreature
Insurance Mutual Fire Insurance Rate Case
Policy TCM is an abbreviation for life Temporary Life Insurance Death Case and is a pure risk policy that provides a capital following the death of the insured whether they are legitimate heirs to the heirs or appointed directly by the insured himself. The heirs may also be designated outside the family of the insured.
This type of policy is also widespread because such protection is often required by banks with the opening of a mortgage. Even when the banks did not specifically ask it would be better to open a bill of this kind for the payment of the monthly mortgage not going to fall on the family of the insured in the event of death.
The life insurance policy can be
annual TCM
The policy has many years of course the advantage of being able to block the insurance premium for the duration of the contract. Typically, the contract has a maximum duration of thirty years.
TCM insurance policies can be requested at any age but are much cheaper if required at a young age. TCM life insurance may be deducted for tax and this is obviously an advantage on the economic situation of the insurer.
It 'important to remember that TCM is not dental insurance plans to release final performance for which the premiums paid when contracts are acquired dalla compagnia se l'assicurato è ancora in vita.
Policy TCM is an abbreviation for life Temporary Life Insurance Death Case and is a pure risk policy that provides a capital following the death of the insured whether they are legitimate heirs to the heirs or appointed directly by the insured himself. The heirs may also be designated outside the family of the insured.
This type of policy is also widespread because such protection is often required by banks with the opening of a mortgage. Even when the banks did not specifically ask it would be better to open a bill of this kind for the payment of the monthly mortgage not going to fall on the family of the insured in the event of death.
The life insurance policy can be
annual TCM
The policy has many years of course the advantage of being able to block the insurance premium for the duration of the contract. Typically, the contract has a maximum duration of thirty years.
TCM insurance policies can be requested at any age but are much cheaper if required at a young age. TCM life insurance may be deducted for tax and this is obviously an advantage on the economic situation of the insurer.
It 'important to remember that TCM is not dental insurance plans to release final performance for which the premiums paid when contracts are acquired dalla compagnia se l'assicurato è ancora in vita.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
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